Journal Information
IET Image Processing (IET-IPR)
Impact Factor:
Call For Papers
Principal topics include:

    Generation and Display - Imaging sensors and acquisition systems, illumination, sampling and scanning, quantization, colour reproduction, image rendering, display and printing systems, evaluation of image quality.
    Processing and Analysis - Image enhancement, restoration, segmentation, registration, multispectral, colour and texture processing, multiresolution processing and wavelets, morphological operations, stereoscopic and 3-D processing, motion detection and estimation, video and image sequence processing.
    Implementations and Architectures - Image and video processing hardware and software, design and construction, architectures and software, neural, adaptive, and fuzzy processing.
    Coding and Transmission - Image and video compression and coding, compression standards, noise modelling, visual information networks, streamed video.
    Retrieval and Multimedia - Storage of images and video, database design, image retrieval, video annotation and editing, mixed media incorporating visual information, multimedia systems and applications, image and video watermarking, steganography.
    Applications - Innovative application of image and video processing technologies to any field, including life sciences, earth sciences, astronomy, document processing and security.
Last updated by Dou Sun in 2024-08-23
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