Journal Information
IEEE Intelligent Systems
Impact Factor:
Call For Papers
IEEE Intelligent Systems is the first IEEE publication on artificial intelligence (AI) and has been publishing trusted content for more than 35 years. It bridges the gap between AI theories and practices. It publishes original, significant, and timely leading-edge theories and technologies of AI that perceive, reason, learn, discover, optimize, act, communicate, and reflect humanly, rationally, and ethically. It serves AI scientists, engineers, policymakers, and students of all levels.

IEEE Intelligent Systems is a peer-reviewed bimonthly publication of the IEEE Computer Society. It is sponsored by the Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence (AAAI). Our technical cosponsors are the British Computer Society (BCS) and the European Association for Artificial Intelligence (EurAI).


IEEE Intelligent Systems serves users, managers, developers, researchers, and purchasers who are interested in intelligent systems and artificial intelligence, with particular emphasis on applications. Typically they are degreed professionals, with backgrounds in engineering, hard science, or business. The publication emphasizes current practice and experience, together with promising new ideas that are likely to be used in the near future. Sample topic areas for feature articles include knowledge-based systems, intelligent software agents, natural-language processing, technologies for knowledge management, machine learning, data mining, adaptive and intelligent robotics, knowledge-intensive processing on the Web, and social issues relevant to intelligent systems. Also encouraged are application features, covering practice at one or more companies or laboratories; full-length product stories (which require refereeing by at least three reviewers); tutorials; surveys; and case studies. Often issues are theme-based and collect articles around a contemporary topic under the auspices of a guest editor working with the editor in chief.
Last updated by Dou Sun in 2024-07-28
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