Journal Information
IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Magazine
Impact Factor:
Call For Papers

​The IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Magazine (ITSM) publishes peer-reviewed articles that provide innovative research ideas and application results, report significant application case studies, and raise awareness of pressing research and application challenges in all areas of intelligent transportation systems. Read more on IEEE Xplore.


The Magazine addresses a range of ITS focused topics including:

    Road, Rail, Air, and Water Transportation Systems
    Integration of Multi-modal Transportation Systems
    Transportation Systems Data Mining
    Sensor Data Processing, Analysis and Visualization
    Infrastructure Sensors and On-board Vehicle Sensors
    Communication (V2V, V2I)
    Social, Economic, and Environmental impact
    Field Trials & Results Validation Reports
    Control (Traffic and Vehicle)
    Decision Systems
    Human-Machine Interfaces
    Reliability and Safety
    Standards & Public Policies
    Technology Forecast & Transfer
    Artificial Intelligence Technologies for ITS [This topic appears as a separate section of the Magazine and is publishing short peer-reviewed papers only]

ITS Magazine is also interested in publishing futuristic views on transportation systems and a vision on how transportation scenarios may look like and operate in the distant future. Submissions from industry practitioners on field trials and validation of results from deployment of ITS solutions, products and systems are highly sought after.

In addition to its task of publishing the best source of reference in the ITS field, the IEEE – ITS Magazine also publishes a variety of news of interest to ITS Society members.
Last updated by Dou Sun in 2024-07-30
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