Journal Information
IET Journal on Image Processing
Call For Papers
The range of topics covered by IET Image Processing includes the following areas related to the generation, processing and communication of visual information: Generation and Display - Imaging sensors and acquisition systems, illumination, sampling and scanning, quantization, colour reproduction, image rendering, display and printing systems, evaluation of image quality. Processing and Analysis - Image enhancement, restoration, segmentation, registration, multispectral, colour and texture processing, multiresolution processing and wavelets, morphological operations, stereoscopic and 3-D processing, motion detection and estimation, video and image sequence processing. Implementations and Architectures - Image and video processing hardware and software, design and construction, architectures and software, neural, adaptive, and fuzzy processing. Coding and Transmission - Image and video compression and coding, compression standards, noise modelling, visual information networks, streamed video. Retrieval and Multimedia - Storage of images and video, database design, image retrieval, video annotation and editing, mixed media incorporating visual information, multimedia systems and applications, image and video watermarking, steganography. Applications - Innovative application of image and video processing technologies to any field, including life sciences, earth sciences, astronomy, document processing and security.
Last updated by Dou Sun in 2013-10-05
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