ACM Transactions on the Web (TWEB)
Call for Papers
Transactions on the Web (TWEB) is a journal publishing refereed articles reporting the results of research on Web content, applications, use, and related enabling technologies.
We invite the submission of original, full-length papers, according to the author instructions on the TWEB website.
Topics in the scope of TWEB include but are not limited to the following:
    Browsers and Web Interfaces
    Electronic Commerce
    Electronic Publishing
    Hypertext and Hypermedia
    Semantic Web
    Web Engineering
    Web Services and Service-Oriented Computing
In addition, papers addressing the intersection of the following broader technologies with the Web are also in scope:
    Business Services
    Knowledge Management and Representation
    Mobility and pervasive computing
    Performance and scalability
    Recommender systems
    Searching, Indexing, Classification, Retrieval and Querying, Data Mining and Analysis
    Security and Privacy
    User Interfaces
Papers discussing specific Web technologies, applications, content generation and management and use are within scope. Also, papers describing novel applications of the web as well as papers on the
underlying technologies are welcome.

ACM TWEB welcomes original, unpublished research papers which are not under consideration for publication elsewhere. The topic of the paper should fall within the scope of TWEB's charter and topic areas described in the Call for Papers.
Publication of an enhanced version of a previously published conference paper is possible if the review process determines that (a) the revision contains significant enhancements, amplification or clarification of the original material and (b) there is a significant additional benefit to be gained from journal publication. Any prior appearance of a substantial amount of a submission should be noted in the submission letter and on the title page; a footnote on the first page should indicate that the paper is an extended version of the earlier paper (s). A separate file should describe the differences between the original conference paper and the new submission; this file should be uploaded according to the directions in the Manuscript Central paper submission system. The authors should also upload an electronic version of the earlier publcation (s) according to the directions in Manuscript Central. Authors are encouraged to read the ACM Policy on Prior Publication and Simultaneous Submissions as well as the ACM Policy and Procedures on Plagiarism (including self plagiarism). TWEB forbids authors from submitting papers which would be under consideration simultaneously for publication in both TWEB and another copyrighted forum.
Submissions should be well-positioned within the WWW literature, showing how the work reported fits in with existing work. References to relevant papers in the WWW literature should be cited - if there are few of these then the paper may not be relevant for TWEB (see Related work below). Papers should also have a substantial evaluation section.
Formatting and preparing your manuscript
TWEB requires that articles be submitted electronically. Articles must follow the "Small Standard Format" described in the ACM formatting guidelines. Submissions that do not conform to these guidelines will be returned to the authors for correction.
To ensure proper indexing, classification, retrieval and dissemination, authors must include the following in the manuscript.
    Descriptive title
    Author names and affiliations
    Content indicators
    Related work
    Citations to relevant literature
The following are guidelines for the preparation of this material.
    Descriptive title
    Author names and affiliations
    Authors' names should be given without titles or degrees along with the names and addresses of the authors' institution. Identify the contact author for co-authored work.
    The abstract should concisely state the objectives of the work, summarize the results, and give the principle conclusions, but omit future plans and citations.
    Content indicators (required once paper is accepted)
    Three types of content indicators must be assigned:
        categories and subject descriptors,
        general terms,
        keywords and phrases.
    The first two items are selected from the Computing Reviews Classification Scheme most recently revised in 1998. Select as many as are applicable. The keywords and phrases are additional English language words that indicate the content of the submission.
    Related work
    Submissions should cite relevant WWW work, showing how this work is related to prior research. Relevant research can occur in many sources, such as WWW and WSDM conferences and other SIGWEB conferences, other ACM journals such as TOIT, TOIS and many others.
    Citations to relevant literature
    Citations should be referenced within the text of the paper.
It may be helpful useful to look at the review form that reviewers will complete in reviewing your paper, as it can assist you in preparing your paper.
NOTE: The ACM Digital Library hosts ancillary material for a paper on its web site. This material, an online appendix that does not appear in the print journal, is linked to and accessed from the online table of contents. For example, authors could provide hypertext and/or XML versions of their papers, or animations, or any other appropriate technology. Authors that wish to use this option should attach such material as an appendix to their submission and indicate in their cover letter that this material is intended to be ancillary material included in the digital library, and how it is intended to be accessed. All ancillary material should be free from viruses.
Submitting your manuscript
Before submitting a manuscript, please use a spelling checker and correct errors in punctuation, grammar, figure and table numbering, and so forth.
Authors are asked to submit manuscripts in PDF format.
You are welcome to indicate what general area within the TWEB scope you feel is most appropriate for your manuscript.
To submit your papers, please submit them via Manuscript Central, https://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/acm/tweb
The review process
When we receive your manuscript and verify that it can be read and is within the scope of the journal, an Associate Editor will take responsibility for handling the review process. The Associate Editor will assign the article to 3-4 reviewers, study the reviews that are returned, and make an overall recommendation to the Editors-in-Chief.
After you submit your paper via Manuscript Central, you should receive an acknowledgement that the paper has been successfully received.
If you fail to receive an acknowledgement after submitting your paper, please contact the TWEB administrator to verify that the submission has been received.
A manuscript submitted for the first time might be accepted subjected to minor revisions or rejected, but many published articles first receive a "Revise and Resubmit" recommendation. If this happens, it may be very worthwhile to persevere, revising the manuscript to fix problems and clarify misunderstandings. Resubmissions should be accompanied with a cover letter that explains in detail how the comments of the reviewers were dealt with.
The Editor-in-Chief or Associate Editor may also decide to desk-reject a submission, without sending it out to reviewers, if examination of the manuscript shows that there is no hope of acceptance.
最終更新 Xiaowei Liu 2018-06-15
CCF完全な名前インパクト ・ ファクター出版社ISSN
Semantic Web3.524IOS Press1570-0844
bJournal of Web Semantics1.897Elsevier1570-8268
bWorld Wide Web2.716Springer1386-145X
cTheory and Practice of Logic ProgrammingCambridge University Press1471-0684
cWeb IntelligenceIOS Press2405-6456
cProceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer InteractionACM2573-0142
Journal of Smart Environments and Green ComputingOAE Publishing Inc.2767-6595
International Journal on Web Service Computing AIRCC2230-7702
cIEEE Transactions on GamesIEEE2475-1502
International Journal of Web & Semantic Technology AIRCC0976-2280
ICMCMInternational Conference on Mechatronics and Computational Mechanics2020-03-172020-03-312020-04-23
RMLSPInternational Conference on Robotics, Machine Learning and Signal Processing2024-05-302024-06-052024-06-21
b2MLDMInternational Conference on Machine Learning and Data Mining2022-01-152022-03-202022-07-16
WSSInternational Symposium on Web Services2014-10-152014-10-302014-12-27
cATCInternational Conference on Advanced and Trusted Computing2022-09-202022-10-152022-12-16
ccb1WebDBInternational Workshop on the Web and Databases2018-02-092018-03-142018-06-10
aa*a1The Web ConferenceInternational World Wide Web Conference2023-10-052024-02-012024-05-13
cbb1ICWEInternational Conference on Web Engineering2024-01-262024-03-222024-06-17
cTAPIARichard Tapia Celebration of Diversity in Computing Conference  2022-09-06
cbb2APWebAsia Pacific Web Conference2016-05-082016-06-202016-09-23