Design Automation for Embedded Systems
インパクト ・ ファクター:
Aims and scope

Embedded (electronic) systems have become the electronic engines of modern consumer and industrial devices, from automobiles to satellites, from washing machines to high-definition TVs, and from cellular phones to complete base stations. These embedded systems encompass a variety of hardware and software components which implement a wide range of functions including digital, analog and RF parts.

Although embedded systems have been designed for decades, the systematic design of such systems with well defined methodologies, automation tools and technologies has gained attention primarily in the last decade. Advances in silicon technology and increasingly demanding applications have significantly expanded the scope and complexity of embedded systems. These systems are only now becoming possible due to advances in methodologies, tools, architectures and design techniques.

Design Automation for Embedded Systems is a multidisciplinary journal which addresses the systematic design of embedded systems, focusing primarily on tools, methodologies and architectures for embedded systems, including HW/SW co-design, simulation and modeling approaches, synthesis techniques, architectures and design exploration, among others.

Design Automation for Embedded Systems offers a forum for scientist and engineers to report on their latest works on algorithms, tools, architectures, case studies and real design examples related to embedded systems hardware and software.

Design Automation for Embedded Systems is an innovative journal which distinguishes itself by welcoming high-quality papers on the methodology, tools, architectures and design of electronic embedded systems, leading to a true multidisciplinary system design journal.
最終更新 Dou Sun 2024-07-22
CCF完全な名前インパクト ・ ファクター出版社ISSN
bIEEE Transaction on Communications7.200IEEE0090-6778
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control6.200IEEE0018-9286
Advances in Decision SciencesHindawi2090-3359
Circuits, Systems, and Signal Processing1.800Springer0278-081X
International Journal of Advanced Research in Electrical and Electronics Engineering AR Publication0000-0000
bJournal of Computer Security IOS Press0926-227X
cJournal of Global Information Technology Management3.000Taylor & Francis1097-198X
The Scientific World JournalHindawi1537-744X
Journal of Semantics2.000Oxford University Press0167-5133
IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology4.900IEEE1063-6536
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iCMLDEInternational Conference on Machine Learning and Data Engineering2019-09-292019-10-072019-12-02
RAIICInternational Conference on Robotics, Artificial intelligence and Intelligent Control2023-08-042023-08-062023-08-11
b3AISCInternational Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Symbolic Computation 2010-04-192010-07-05
CoSIT'International Conference on Computer Science and Information Technology2023-05-062023-05-172023-05-20
ICERPInternational Conference on Environmental Research and Public Health2017-10-15 2017-10-20
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