Journal Information
Integration, the VLSI Journal (Integration)
Impact Factor:
Call For Papers
Aims & Scope

the VLSI Journal

Integration's aim is to cover every aspect of the VLSI area, with an emphasis on cross-fertilization between various fields of science, and the design, verification, test and applications of integrated circuits and systems, as well as closely related topics in process and device technologies. Individual issues will feature peer-reviewed tutorials and articles as well as reviews of recent publications. The intended coverage of the journal can be assessed by examining the following (non-exclusive) list of topics:

Specification methods and languages; Analog/Digital Integrated Circuits and Systems; VLSI architectures; Algorithms, methods and tools for modeling, simulation, synthesis and verification of integrated circuits and systems of any complexity; Embedded systems; High-level synthesis for VLSI systems; Logic synthesis and finite automata; Testing, design-for-test and test generation algorithms; Physical design; Formal verification; Algorithms implemented in VLSI systems; Systems engineering; Heterogeneous systems.
Last updated by Dou Sun in 2024-08-13
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