Signal Processing
Signal Processing incorporates all aspects of the theory and practice of signal processing (analogue and digital). It features original research work, tutorial and review articles, and accounts of practical developments. It is intended for a rapid dissemination of knowledge and experience to engineers and scientists working in the research, development or practical application of signal processing.

Subject areas covered by the journal include: Signal Theory; Stochastic Processes; Detection and Estimation; Spectral Analysis; Filtering; Signal Processing Systems; Software Developments; Image Processing; Pattern Recognition; Optical Signal Processing; Digital Signal Processing; Multi-dimensional Signal Processing; Communication Signal Processing; Biomedical Signal Processing; Geophysical and Astrophysical Signal Processing; Earth Resources Signal Processing; Acoustic and Vibration Signal Processing; Data Processing; Remote Sensing; Signal Processing Technology; Speech Processing; Radar Signal Processing; Sonar Signal Processing; Industrial Applications; New Applications.

Type of Contributions:
The journal welcomes the following types of contributions.

Original research articles:
Research articles should not exceed 30 pages (single column, double spaced) in length and must contain novel research within the scope of the journal.

Review articles:
Review articles are typically 30-60 pages (single column, double spaced) in length, and provide a comprehensive review on a scientific topic. They may be relatively broad in scope, thereby serving a tutorial function, or be quite specialized, aimed at researchers in the chosen field.

Fast Communications:
A Fast Communication is a short, self-contained article highlighting ongoing research, or reporting interesting possibly tentative ideas, or comments on previously published research. Such articles should not exceed 10 pages (single column, double spaced) in length not including figures or tables which should accompany the submission as separate files. The editorial decision is typically binary to provide rapid dissemination of the results. The objective is to provide detailed, constructive feedback on submitted papers and publish high quality papers within a very short period of time. The target for a first reply is two months.

You may be requested by the Editor to submit a revision. Please assist us in achieving our ambitious goals for short publication times by submitting a revision at your earliest convenience. One set of page proofs in PDF format will be sent by e-mail to the corresponding author, to be checked for typesetting/editing. No changes in, or additions to, the accepted (and subsequently edited) manuscript will be allowed at this stage. Proofreading is solely your responsibility.
最后更新 Dou Sun 在 2022-01-29
IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing5.230IEEE1053-587X
cSignal Processing: Image Communication3.256Elsevier0923-5965
cImage and Vision Computing3.860Elsevier0262-8856
Journal of Signal Processing Systems0.551Springer1939-8018
cIET Computer Vision1.087IET1350-245X
Digital Signal Processing3.381Elsevier1051-2004
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Signal, Image and Video Processing0.409Springer1863-1703
IET Journal on Singal Processing IET1751-9675
cIET Image Processing0.753IET1751-9659
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