Journal Information
Biological Cybernetics
Impact Factor:
Call For Papers
Aims and Scope

Biological Cybernetics is an interdisciplinary medium for theoretical and application-oriented investigations of information processing and control in organisms. A broad goal of the Journal is to foster and intensify the search for general principles of communication and regulation in biological systems, through detailed studies of specific examples.

Topics of interest range from subcellular processes to ecological phenomena, with a special emphasis on sensory, motor, and cognitive neural systems. Approaches include mathematical modelling of biological systems, possibly combined with experiment; computational, theoretical or engineering studies with relevance for understanding cybernetic principles in biology; and biologically inspired artificial implementations of biological information processing and control. Purely experimental investigations for which theory is insufficiently developed, or phenomenological descriptions of structures or functions having no reference to specific biological systems, are outside the scope of the journal.

Biological Cybernetics strives to promote communication between the life sciences and the engineering and theoretical disciplines in order to enable insights into the performance and function of biological systems.
Last updated by Dou Sun in 2024-07-20
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