Journal Information
ACM Transactions on Management Information Systems (TMIS)
Impact Factor:
Call For Papers
ACM Transactions on Management Information Systems (ACM TMIS) is a quarterly scholarly journal of the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) that focuses on publishing high quality information systems research. TMIS welcomes innovative work on the design, development, assessment, and management of information technology and systems within organizations, businesses, and societies. TMIS also welcomes submissions on a full range of MIS and information technology related areas and strongly encourages submissions with technical and technological ingredients, such as algorithmic, analytical modeling, design science, and system-oriented research, as well as submissions in emerging multidisciplinary MIS research topics that may span several traditional academic disciplines. 

Topic coverage includes but is not limited to the following:

    Artificial Intelligence Applications
    Data Mining, Text Mining, Web Mining, Social Network Analysis
    Big Data Analytics
    Social media and Word of Mouth
    Human-Computer Interactions and Social Computing
    Economics and IS
    System Analysis, Design, and Development Methodologies and Evaluation
    Services Computing
    Business Process Management
    Innovation Management
    Healthcare Analytics
    E-Government and Smart Cities
    Security and Privacy
    Applications and Evaluation of Emerging Technologies (e.g., blockchain)

TMIS welcomes Research Articles on original research, not published elsewhere; and Research Commentaries sharing concepts, views, possible future research directions, and conceptual frameworks. We invite submissions and commit to a professional and timely editorial process. Submit articles through TMIS also welcomes special issue proposals. Email proposals directly to the Editor-in-Chief, Professor Daniel Zeng, at

Papers are submitted through the ScholarOne Manuscript Central system. For information on submissions, first read through the Editorial Guidelines, then see the Author Information. When submitting, select "Original Paper" or "Special Issue" as appropriate.

TMIS is indexed by the Emerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI) and other scientific databases, such as SCOPUS, INSPECT, and Ei Compendex (EI).
Last updated by Dou Sun in 2024-08-10
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