Journal Information
International Journal on Semantic Web and Information Systems (IJSWIS)
Impact Factor:
IGI Global
Call For Papers

The International Journal on Semantic Web and Information Systems (IJSWIS) promotes a knowledge transfer channel where academics, practitioners, and researchers can discuss, analyze, criticize, synthesize, communicate, elaborate, and simplify the more-than-promising technology of the semantic Web in the context of information systems. The journal aims to establish value-adding knowledge transfer and personal development channels in three distinctive areas: academia, industry, and government.

Mission & Scope:

The International Journal on Semantic Web and Information Systems (IJSWIS) is an archival journal that publishes high quality original manuscripts in all aspects of Semantic Web that are relevant to computer science and information systems communities. IJSWIS is an open forum aiming to cultivate the Semantic Web vision within the information systems research community. The main focus is on information systems discipline and working towards the delivery of the main implications that the Semantic Web brings to information systems and the information/knowledge society.


    Beyond Semantic Web (e.g., extending meaning with perception and experience)
    Enterprise application integration
    From e-government to e-democracy
    Integration with other disciplines
    Intelligent Systems
    Metadata-driven (bottom-up) versus ontology-driven (top-down) SW development
    New Semantic Web enabled business models
    New Semantic Web enabled information systems
    New Semantic Web enabled tools for the citizen/ learner/ organization/ business
    Ontologies, folksonomies, and associated knowledge representation issues
    Real world applications towards the development of the Knowledge society
    Semantic enabled business intelligence
    Semantic Web applications on the web, enterprises, desktops, personal and mobile devices, e-science and e-government applications, and associated issues of provenance, trust, privacy, security, quality, scalability, and performance
    Semantic Web data management
    Semantic Web issues, challenges, and implications in each of the IS research streams
    Semantics and human computer interfaces including visualization and mashups
    Semantics in business processes and distributed computing and services
    Social Semantic Web and people web
Last updated by Dou Sun in 2024-08-23
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