Journal Information
Journal of Universal Computer Science (J.UCS)
Verlag der Technischen Universitat Graz
Call For Papers
Focus and Scope

The Journal of Universal Computer Science (J.UCS) is a high-quality periodical and has been appearing in digital and printed form since 1995. The journal deals with all research areas of computer science, based on the ACM Computing Classification System categories including general literature, hardware, software, computer systems organization, theory of computation, information systems, mathematics of computing, data and data science, computing methodologies, computer applications, science and technology of learning, and knowledge management.

The journal accepts research articles covering novel research in all topics of computer science, and its peer reviewed articles appear in monthly Regular Issues and Special Issues on selected topics organized by guest editors. Thus, J.UCS serves as one of the major knowledge bases for the international research community in computer science over decades until today.

J.UCS appears online and in print under ISSN and ISBN numbers, and all articles are linked to unique DOIs. Issues are published monthly and printed volumes annually.

List of Topics

The Journal of Universal Computer Science’s scope covers all research areas of computer science. To manage the variety of topics authors, reviewers and readers can use a classification schema which is based on the ACM classification (1998); Topics L and M were added to reflect the development of the computer science discipline. We acknowledge the kind permission of ACM to use their classification system.

The main categories of the classification schema are organized as follows:

    Topic A - General Literature
    Topic B - Hardware
    Topic C - Computer Systems Organization
    Topic D - Software
    Topic E - Data
    Topic F - Theory of Computation
    Topic G - Mathematics of Computing
    Topic H - Information Systems
    Topic I - Computing Methodologies
    Topic J - Computer Applications
    Topic K - Computer Milieux
    Topic L - Science and Technology of Learning
    Topic M - Knowledge Management

Subclasses of the schema can be reviewed and selected during the submission process.
Last updated by Dou Sun in 2024-08-24
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