Journal Information
Vehicular Communications
Impact Factor:
Call For Papers
Vehicular communications is a growing area of communications between vehicles and including roadside communication infrastructure. Advances in wireless communications are making possible sharing of information through real time communications between vehicles and infrastructure. This has led to applications to increase safety of vehicles and communication between passengers and the Internet. Standardization efforts on vehicular communication are also underway to make vehicular transportation safer, greener and easier.

The aim of the journal is to publish high quality peer–reviewed papers in the area of vehicular communications. The scope encompasses all types of communications involving vehicles, including vehicle–to–vehicle and vehicle–to–infrastructure. The scope includes (but not limited to) the following topics related to vehicular communications:

    Vehicle to vehicle and vehicle to infrastructure communications
    Channel modelling, modulating and coding
    Congestion Control and scalability issues
    Protocol design, testing and verification
    Routing in vehicular networks
    Security issues and countermeasures
    Deployment and field testing
    Reducing energy consumption and enhancing safety of vehicles
    Wireless in–car networks
    Data collection and dissemination methods
    Mobility and handover issues
    Safety and driver assistance applications
    Underwater communications
    Autonomous cooperative driving
    Social networks
    Internet of vehicles
    Standardization of protocols
Last updated by Dou Sun in 2024-07-12
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