Journal Information
ACM Transactions on Computational Logic (TOCL)
Impact Factor:
Call For Papers
For the purposes of ACM Transactions on Computational Logic, the field of computational logic consists of all uses of logic in computer science.

TOCL is published quarterly. The first issue appeared in July 2000, and the journal is indexed by ISI beginning with the 2006 volume. TOCL is part of the ACM Digital Library.


ACM Transactions on Computational Logic (TOCL) is devoted to research concerned with all uses of logic in computer science. Logic continues to play an important role in computer science and permeates many of its areas including artificial intelligence, computational complexity, database systems, and programming languages.
TOCL welcomes submissions related to all aspects of logic as it pertains to topics in computer science. This area has a great tradition in computer science. Several researchers who earned the ACM Turing award have also contributed to this field, namely Edgar Codd (relational database systems), Stephen Cook (complexity of logical theories), Edsger W. Dijkstra, Robert W. Floyd, Tony Hoare, Amir Pnueli, Dana Scott, Edmond M. Clarke, Allen E. Emerson, Joseph Sifakis (program logics, program derivation and verification, programming languages semantics), Robin Milner (interactive theorem proving, concurrency calculi, and functional programming), and John McCarthy (functional programming and logics in AI).
The Editorial Board of this journal seeks and hopes to attract high-quality submissions in all the above-mentioned areas of computational logic so that TOCL becomes the standard reference in the field.
Both theoretical and applied papers are sought. Submissions showing novel use of logic in computer science are especially welcome.

The following areas are currently covered by the members of the Editorial Board. They may change as the field evolves. In particular, submissions on the semantic aspects of the mentioned topics are welcome.

    Automated Deduction
    Automata and Temporal Logic
    Automated Verification
    Concurrency Calculi and Tools
    Constraint Programming
    Finite Model Theory and Complexity of Logical Theories
    Functional Programming and Lambda Calculus
    Logical Aspects of Computational Complexity
    Logical Aspects of Computational Linguistics and Computational Semantics
    Logical Aspects of Databases
    Logical Aspects of Knowledge Representation, Logic of Geometry, Physics, and Other Commonsense Domains
    Logic and Machine Learning
    Logic Programming
    Logics of Uncertainty
    Modal Logic, Epistemic Logic, Dynamic Logic, Logic and Games
    Model Checking and Formal Methods
    Nonmonotonic Reasoning and Answer Sets
    Program Development and Verification
    Program Specification
    Proof Theory
    Term Rewriting Systems
    Type Theory and Logical Frameworks
Last updated by Dou Sun in 2024-08-10
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