Journal Information
Internet and Higher Education
Impact Factor:
Call For Papers
A Quarterly Review of Innovations in Post-secondary Education

The Internet and Higher Education is a quarterly journal devoted to addressing contemporary issues and future developments related to Internet-enabled learning and teaching in higher education settings. It is a peer-reviewed journal intended to be a vehicle for scholarly presentation and dissemination of contributions significantly addressing innovative uses of Internet technology in learning and teaching, and reporting on research to demonstrate the effects of the Internet on the quality and/or the equity of learning and teaching in higher education contexts. The key findings must inform practices and/or policies, and contribute to the scholarship of Internet-enabled higher education learning and teaching. For example, research on topics such as MOOCs and professional development must have clear implications for individuals who teach and learn in higher education institutions.

The journal is international and interdisciplinary, inviting contributions from across the globe and from various academic disciplines. Special issues are often devoted to specific emerging areas of study with guest editors assisting in the editorial process.

The scope of the journal is broad in terms of the range of Internet-related issues and trends to be addressed in the higher education teaching and learning context. We welcome manuscripts on topics including but not limited to pedagogical and technological innovations in online and blended learning; online learning interactions and collaborations; online learning communities; institutional policies and strategies to drive and support online learning and teaching; internationalization and cultural aspects of online classrooms; online assessment and feedback; faculty professional development for online learning; and approaches to online course development. Across all topics, we seek to publish high-quality empirical manuscripts with strong conceptual frameworks and rigorous methods.
Last updated by Dou Sun in 2024-07-12
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