Journal Information
Computational and Structural Biotechnology Journal
Impact Factor:
Call For Papers
Computational and Structural Biotechnology Journal (CSBJ) is an online gold open access journal publishing research articles and reviews after full peer review. All articles are published, without barriers to access, immediately upon acceptance. CSBJ is composed of the following Sections:

    CSBJ: General Section
    CSBJ: The Smart Hospital Section
    CSBJ: Nanoscience & Advanced Materials Section
    CSBJ: Quantum Biology & Biophotonics Section

CSBJ: General Section focuses on functional and mechanistic understanding of how molecular components in a biological process work together through the application of computational methods. Structural data may provide such insights, but they are not a pre-requisite for publication in this section. For more details and specific areas of interest within this section, please visit:

CSBJ: The Smart Hospital Section focuses on new digital and automated technologies transforming health and care systems. Clinical and piloting data may provide practical insights on implementing digital and automated technologies in real-world smart hospital setting, but they are not a pre-requisite for publication in this section. For more details and specific areas of interest within this section, please visit:

CSBJ: Nanoscience and Advanced Materials Section focuses on advancing the scientific knowledge and technological innovation at the crossroads of nanoscience, materials science, chemistry, physics, and biomedical engineering. The section welcomes submissions covering a wide spectrum of topics within the overarching domains of nanoscience and advanced materials, enhancing our understanding of the nanoscale world and its transformative applications. For more details and specific areas of interest within this section, please visit:

CSBJ: Quantum Biology and Biophotonics Section places a strong transdisciplinary emphasis on understanding biological systems that potentially harness quantum-mechanical processes. This section also focuses on the development and application of optics and photonic tools, methods, and technologies to address questions in quantum biology and its implications for biomedical and health sciences. Studies based on experimental approaches, computational simulations, and theoretical developments that are focused on this emphasis are welcome but are not a prerequisite for publication in this section. For more details and specific areas of interest within this section, please visit:

The journal welcomes the submission of manuscripts that meet the general criteria of significance and scientific excellence and enables the rapid publication of papers under the following categories:

o Research Articles o Review Articles o Mini Reviews o Innovation Reports o Short Communications o Method Articles o Database Articles o Software/Web Server Articles o Editorials

CSBJ is published by Elsevier on behalf of Research Networks.
Last updated by Dou Sun in 2024-07-12
Special Issues
Special Issue on MaterialsWeek 2024 - Strategic R&I for the Value Chains of the Future
Submission Date: 2024-09-30

The main scope of the upcoming special issue on ‘Strategic Materials R&I for the Value Chains of the Future’ would be to offer highlights in the field covering numerous small and large Research and Innovation (R&I) communities that are driving advances in materials innovation manifested across diverse value chains and industrial markets. Guest Editors: Iseult Lynch Professor Chair in Environmental Nanosciences, School of Geography, Earth and Environmental Sciences, University of Birmingham, UK Email: Martin Himly Assoz. Prof. Priv.-Doz. Dr. Biosciences and Medical Biology, Paris Lodron University Salzburg, Austria Email: Irini Furxhi Dr, Marie Skłodowska-Curie Postdoc Fellow CNR-ISSMC, Italy Email: Steffi Friedrichs D.Phil., Dipl.Chem., Dip.H.E. AcumenIST, Belgium Email: Antreas Afantitis Scientific Director, Entelos Institute Larnaca, Cyprus Email: Special issue information: The main scope of the upcoming special issue on ‘Strategic Materials R&I for the Value Chains of the Future’ would be to offer highlights in the field covering numerous small and large Research and Innovation (R&I) communities that are driving advances in materials innovation manifested across diverse value chains and industrial markets. In this special issue, we will explore the potential of bringing together the R&I communities of energy materials, graphene, nanotechnology, bioeconomy, lightweight materials, smart materials and other innovative materials together into a single, solution-driven environment embracing all advanced materials. Possible research topics include but are not limited to: Concepts, such as Safe-and-Sustainable- by-Design (SSbD), Industry Commons, Materials as a Service (MaaS); Cross-cutting approaches, such as digitalisation, digital twinning, standardisation/harmonisation, FAIR (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable and Re-usable) and Open Data; and Policy approaches, such as circularity, climate change prevention and adaption, sustainability, and resilience, and science-policy dialogue and translation. Specific topics covered include (but are not limited to): Market Needs, Challenges & Opportunities for Materials R&I; Digital Innovation - Catalysing the Green & Digital Transition for Innovative Advanced Materials and Products; Digital Transformation - Computational Tools & Platforms for Materials R&I Acceleration; Digital Transformation – Towards a common Materials’ Data Ecosystem; Frameworks and Methodologies for Materials Safety & Sustainability; Sustainability & Circularity driven by Advanced Materials; Materials Innovation for Resilience; and Infrastructure & Methods Requirements for Materials Innovation. We extend a special invitation for project consortia participating in MaterialsWeek 2024 to showcase your project's success via the article type “Innovation Reports”: Publicly funded projects and cross-border collaborative initiatives possess vast potential for driving progress and addressing critical challenges. However, their impact often hinges on effective communication and dissemination. CSBJ Nanoscience and Advanced Materials recognizes this and acknowledges that sharing project findings, outcomes, and best practices often transcends the confines of academic publications. To address this, CSBJ Nanoscience and Advanced Materials introduces a new article type: ‘Innovation Reports’. This new format is specifically designed to provide a dedicated platform for projects to share their outcomes and impact with a broader audience. Submitting a manuscript under the 'Innovation Reports' category presents an opportunity to: Disseminate the findings and insights garnered from your project to a diverse audience, including stakeholders, policymakers, and fellow researchers. Showcase the aims/objectives and potential contributions envisioned by your project to scientific advancement & societal progress. Enhance transparency and accountability by offering accessible information about the grant and the value delivered by your research initiatives. Manuscript submission information: The Journal's submission system will be open for submissions to our Special Issue from May 6, 2024. When submitting your manuscript please select the appropriate sub-category “VSI: MaterialsWeek 2024" In the additional information section. Please submit your manuscript before September 30, 2024 All manuscripts will receive expedited handling and the accepted version will appear online within one week. Please note that every accepted paper is subjected to a processing fee as per Elsevier's open access journal policies. If you have any further questions, please feel free to contact us at
Last updated by Dou Sun in 2024-07-12
Special Issue on AlphaFold in protein structure and function prediction
Submission Date: 2024-10-31

The scope of the upcoming special issue on ‘AlphaFold in protein structure and function prediction’ is focused on the studies that investigate and apply AlphaFold and its predictions in a variety of contexts including prediction of protein structure at the atomic, residue and protein levels, prediction and characterization of protein function, applications to protein design, target prediction, drug design, and other areas, and investigations that address extensions and limitations of AlphaFold. Guest Editors: Lukasz Kurgan Professor Virginia Commonwealth University, United States of America Email: Jianyi Yang Professor Shandong University, China Email: Special issue information: AlphaFold and the release of AlphaFold predictions on the genomic scale via the AlphaFold DB have spurred a flurry of research across a broad spectrum of scales, from atomic-level studies of individual protein domains to protein-level investigations of protein functions and structures that span across organisms. This special issue aims to showcase recent studies that investigate, expand, apply, and evaluate AlphaFold and its predictions. Scope of the Special Issue: The scope of the upcoming special issue on ‘AlphaFold in protein structure and function prediction’ is focused on the studies that investigate and apply AlphaFold and its predictions in a variety of contexts including prediction of protein structure at the atomic, residue and protein levels, prediction and characterization of protein function, applications to protein design, target prediction, drug design, and other areas, and investigations that address extensions and limitations of AlphaFold. Possible research topics include but are not limited to: Ø Comparative evaluation of AlphaFold predictions at the atomic, residue and protein levels Ø Empirical analysis of AlphaFold predictions Ø Applications of AlphaFold in protein structure and function prediction Ø Applications of AlphaFold in modelling protein-protein and protein-ligand interactions Ø Use of AlphaFold in protein and drug design Ø Use of AlphaFold in the development of novel methods for the protein structure and function prediction Manuscript submission information: The Journal's submission system will be open for submissions to our Special Issue from May 6, 2024. When submitting your manuscript please select the appropriate sub-category “VSI: AlphaFold in protein structure and function prediction" In the additional information section. Please submit your manuscript before October 31, 2024 All manuscripts will receive expedited handling and the accepted version will appear online within one week. Please note that every accepted paper is subjected to a processing fee as per Elsevier's open access journal policies. If you have any further questions, please feel free to contact us at
Last updated by Dou Sun in 2024-07-12
Special Issue on Computational and Structural Biotechnology Journal
Submission Date: 2024-11-30

This special issue brings together cutting-edge research at the intersection of AI-driven predictive modelling and automated laboratory workflows, focusing on their transformative impact on the development and characterization of advanced materials. Guest Editor: Francesco Mercuri Institute for Nanostructured Materials National Research Council, Italy Email: Special issue information: The demand for novel materials with tailored properties across diverse applications, from electronics and energy storage to healthcare and environmental remediation, continues to drive the pursuit of innovative design strategies. Traditional trial-and-error approaches are time-consuming, resource-intensive, and often yield suboptimal outcomes. In this context, the convergence of artificial intelligence (AI) and advanced materials technologies has heralded a new era of innovation and efficiency in predictive design and laboratory automation. Furthermore, the integration of automated laboratory technologies complements AI-driven predictive design by streamlining experimental workflows, enhancing reproducibility, and enabling high-throughput experimentation. Through the synergy of AI and automation, researchers can efficiently explore vast experimental parameter spaces, uncover hidden correlations, and accelerate the translation of theoretical insights into tangible materials innovations. This special issue brings together cutting-edge research at the intersection of AI-driven predictive modelling and automated laboratory workflows, focusing on their transformative impact on the development and characterization of advanced materials. From the design of novel nanomaterials with tailored properties to the optimization of manufacturing processes for scalability and sustainability, the articles featured herein highlight the breadth and depth of advancements enabled by AI-driven predictive design and automated lab technologies. Moreover, this collection serves as a platform for interdisciplinary dialogue, fostering collaboration between materials scientists, computer scientists, engineers, and practitioners from academia, industry, and government agencies. By sharing insights, methodologies, and best practices, we aim to catalyze further progress in this rapidly evolving field and pave the way for transformative innovations with far-reaching societal impact. Scope of the Special Issue: The main scope of the upcoming special issue focused on 'AI-Enabled Predictive Design and Automated Lab Technologies for Advanced Materials' would be to offer highlights in the field covering recent advancements and applications of AI-driven predictive modelling and automated laboratory technologies in the domain of advanced materials. In this special issue, we will explore the potential of AI-driven predictive design and automated lab technologies in revolutionizing the discovery, characterization, and optimization of advanced materials. Possible research topics include but are not limited to: Ø Predictive modelling and design of advanced materials properties using data-driven and machine learning approaches. Ø Automated synthesis and characterization of novel advanced materials and nanomaterials. Ø High-throughput experimentation for accelerated materials discovery. Ø Integration of AI algorithms for process optimization in materials manufacturing. Ø Multi-scale modelling approaches for predictive design of complex materials systems. Ø Autonomous robotic systems for sample preparation and analysis in materials science research. Manuscript submission information: The Journal's submission system will be open for submissions to our Special Issue from May 10, 2024. When submitting your manuscript please select the appropriate sub-category “VSI: AI-Enabled Predictive Design" In the additional information section. Please submit your manuscript before November 30, 2024 All manuscripts will receive expedited handling and the accepted version will appear online within one week. Please note that every accepted paper is subjected to a processing fee as per Elsevier's open access journal policies. If you have any further questions, please feel free to contact us at
Last updated by Dou Sun in 2024-07-12
Special Issue on Light allostery in photoreceptors: from fundamental understanding of the bio-molecular regulation to engineering allosteric tools
Submission Date: 2024-11-30

The main scope of the upcoming special issue focused on ‘Light allostery in photoreceptors: from fundamental understanding of the bio-molecular regulation to engineering allosteric tools’ would offer highlights in the field covering fundamentals as well as the developmental aspects of the light regulated phenomenon. Guest editor: Amit Sharma Assistant Professor Jamia Millia Islamia, India Email: Special issue information: Photoreceptors are the light regulatable proteins that play key role in diverse applications, may it be development of non-invasive therapeutic approaches using optogenetic regulations or enhancement of the quantum efficiency of photosynthetic organisms. Thanks to advancements in computational and experimental approaches, research and development on photoreceptors and their applications are continuously being progressed. The advancement has attracted the interest of quantum biology and biophotonics communities, aiming to address the challenges in optogenetics, photosynthesis, gene therapies, metabolic engineering, biopharmaceutical production, and studies on gene regulation dynamics for intercellular interactions and physiology of the complex tissues. Scope of the Special Issue: The main scope of the upcoming special issue focused on ‘Light allostery in photoreceptors: from fundamental understanding of the bio-molecular regulation to engineering allosteric tools’ would offer highlights in the field covering fundamentals as well as the developmental aspects of the light regulated phenomenon. In this special issue, we will explore the potential of biological photoreceptors - to convert energy from the light form to the mechanical form, fundamentals of the photo-reduction processes and how can these govern the energy conversion efficiency of these biological molecules and biomolecular systems. Possible research topics include but are not limited to: Photo-oxidation and charge transfer processes in photoreceptors. Mechanism of light induced structural changes in photoreceptors. Design and development of novel photoswitches for spatio-temporal precise regulation of biological activities. Studies on enhancing the performance efficiency of biological photoswitches. Role and application of photoreceptors in various processes such as gene therapy, metabolic engineering, pharmaceutical production, gene regulation and dynamics, intercellular interactions and tissue physiology, enhancement of photosynthetic quantum efficiency, plant biology and crop production etc. Experimental and computational structural biology studies understanding allosteric processes in light active macromolecules. Design and development of experimental and computational technologies to probe photo effects in biological processes. Manuscript submission information: The Journal's submission system will be open for submissions to our Special Issue from May 10, 2024. When submitting your manuscript please select the appropriate sub-category “VSI: Light allostery in photoreceptors" In the additional information section. Please submit your manuscript before November 30, 2024 All manuscripts will receive expedited handling and the accepted version will appear online within one week. Please note that every accepted paper is subjected to a processing fee as per Elsevier's open access journal policies. If you have any further questions, please feel free to contact us at
Last updated by Dou Sun in 2024-07-12
Special Issue on Human-Centred Design of Smart Medical Devices
Submission Date: 2024-11-30

The main scope of the special issue focused on ‘Human-Centred Design of Smart Medical Devices’ would be to offer highlights in the field covering various disciplines which revolve around the notion of designing for and with multiple stakeholders of such (worn) artefacts. Guest Editors: Philip Farrugia Professor University of Malta, Malta Email: Andrew Wodehouse Senior Lecturer University of Strathclyde, United Kingdom Email: Special issue information: The product as a technical system remains the core of engineering design. Due to the increasing demands by end users, products are becoming smarter, thereby creating opportunities for innovation, yet sometimes there are challenges and barriers in their use. This applies in particular for smart medical devices, since the design engineer has to take into account the requirements of multiple users including the patients/end users, health professionals and caregivers, whilst at the same time keeping in mind regulatory related issues. Examples of smart medical devices include continuous glucose monitors, smart inhalers, smart pill dispensers, implantable cardiovascular devices and portable ECG devices. Smart medical devices can also be worn, such as smart watches, prosthetic limbs, hearing aids, and bespoke devices for XR-based (re)habilitation. Scope of the Special Issue: The main scope of the special issue focused on ‘Human-Centred Design of Smart Medical Devices’ would be to offer highlights in the field covering various disciplines which revolve around the notion of designing for and with multiple stakeholders of such (worn) artefacts. Adopting a human-centred design approach is essential to render a smart medical device which provides a high-quality user experience (UX) which is commercially feasible, abiding to the relevant regulations. Co-designing and empathic design thinking play a pivotal role in achieving the desired UX and usability of smart wearable devices. Various enabling digital technologies employed in virtual and physical prototyping, such as Augmented Reality, Virtual Reality, and 3D printing can be exploited to address these user-related metrics. To adhere to the necessary regulations, especially when it comes to bespoke smart medical devices, one must ensure that a rigorous verification and validation test plan is implemented, especially when sensors are integrated in such artefacts. Within this data-rich context, it is essential that design engineers are proactively supported in the development process particularly given the varying requirements of multiple stakeholders, with the provision of dedicated data-driven design support frameworks. Possible research topics include but are not limited to: Ø Multi-user experience design strategies. Ø Multi-user requirements engineering approaches. Ø Empathy in design thinking of smart medical devices. Ø XR technologies for the ideation, development, and evaluation of smart medical devices. Ø Sensor technologies for user experiences. Ø Data driven UX design of smart medical devices. Ø Design Support Frameworks. Ø Verification and validation testing plans for customisable smart medical devices. Manuscript submission information: The Journal's submission system will be open for submissions to our Special Issue from May 6, 2024. When submitting your manuscript please select the appropriate sub-category “VSI: Human-Centred Design" In the additional information section. Please submit your manuscript before November 30, 2024 All manuscripts will receive expedited handling and the accepted version will appear online within one week. Please note that every accepted paper is subjected to a processing fee as per Elsevier's open access journal policies. If you have any further questions, please feel free to contact us at
Last updated by Dou Sun in 2024-07-12
Special Issue on Single-Molecule Sensors and NanoSystems
Submission Date: 2024-12-15

The main scope of the upcoming special issue focused on "Single-Molecule Sensors and NanoSystems" would be to offer highlights on the most recent advances in micro and nano-sensing techniques that have either demonstrated single-molecule detection or that can advance or contribute towards single-molecule detection capability on sensor chips in the longer term. Guest Editor: Frank Vollmer Professor of Biophysics, Molecular, Nano- and Quantum Sensors and Systems University of Exeter, United Kingdom Email: Special issue information: Sensor systems exhibit extraordinary sensitivity for detecting physical, chemical, and biological entities at the micro/nanoscale. The detection and analysis of molecules on miniature devices that have many possible applications in health, environment, analysis, and security is particularly exciting. A new class of label-free micro and nanosensors is starting to emerge allowing us to observe dynamic processes at the single molecule level directly, with unprecedented spatial- and temporal resolution and without significantly affecting the natural and functional movements of the molecules. Micro- and nanosensors by virtue of their small interaction length probe molecules over a dynamic range often inaccessible by other techniques. Their small size enables an exceedingly high sensitivity, and the application of quantum optical measurement techniques can allow us to approach or surpass classical limits of detection. Advances in optical and electrical measurement methodology, laser interferometry, quantum optics, micro/nanofluidics, control of molecules and reactions at the nanoscale, DNA origami/synthetic molecular machines, in-vivo and wearable sensing materials, all contribute to the rapid progress of the field of Single-Molecule Sensors and nanoSystems. It is this convergence of previously often disparate fields that is accelerating the advancements in micro and nano-sensing. Scope of the Special Issue: The main scope of the upcoming special issue focused on "Single-Molecule Sensors and NanoSystems" would be to offer highlights on the most recent advances in micro and nano-sensing techniques that have either demonstrated single-molecule detection or that can advance or contribute towards single-molecule detection capability on sensor chips in the longer term. Possible research topics include but are not limited to:  Single-Molecule Spectroscopy, Imaging, and Forces  Micro/Nanofluidics/Chemical control at the Nanoscale  Molecular Machines, Synthetic Biology, and DNA Origami  Single-molecule Sensors and Sequencers  Molecular Electronics  From Quantum Sensing to Quantum Biology  Nanothermodynamics in experiments and theory Manuscript submission information: The Journal's submission system will be open for submissions to our Special Issue from May 6, 2024. When submitting your manuscript please select the appropriate sub-category “VSI: VSI: Single-Molecule Sensors and NanoSystems" In the additional information section. Please submit your manuscript before December 15, 2024 All manuscripts will receive expedited handling and the accepted version will appear online within one week. Please note that every accepted paper is subjected to a processing fee as per Elsevier's open access journal policies. If you have any further questions, please feel free to contact us at
Last updated by Dou Sun in 2024-07-12
Special Issue on Security and Privacy Solutions for Biomedical Human-Cyber-Physical Systems
Submission Date: 2024-12-15

The main scope of the special issue focused on ‘Security and Privacy Solutions for Biomedical Human-Cyber-Physical Systems’ would be to offer highlights on various aspects of cybersecurity and privacy within biomedical HCPS, ranging from novel encryption techniques and authentication protocols to advanced intrusion detection systems and secure software development practices. Guest Editors: George Drosatos Secretary General, European Alliance of Medical and Biological Engineering and Science (EAMBES) 3001 Leuven, Belgium Researcher, Institute for Language and Speech Processing, Athena Research Center Xanthi, Greece Email: Konstantinos Rantos Professor Democritus University of Thrace Kavala, Greece Email: Special issue information: In recent years, the convergence of biomedical sciences with advanced cyber and physical technologies has given rise to a transformative field known as biomedical human-cyber-physical systems (HCPS). These systems represent a ground-breaking integration of biological entities, digital interfaces, and physical components, with the goal of revolutionizing healthcare delivery, patient monitoring, and medical diagnostics. By seamlessly combining human physiology with cybernetic interfaces and physical devices, biomedical HCPS promises to improve medical outcomes, improve quality of life, and even reshape our understanding of healthcare standards. However, this convergence also introduces complex challenges, especially regarding security and privacy issues, beyond the obvious interoperability difficulties. Therefore, understanding the intricacies of biomedical HCPS and developing robust solutions to ensure their safe and effective operation is paramount to unlocking their full potential to benefit both individuals and societies. Scope of the Special Issue: The main scope of the special issue focused on ‘Security and Privacy Solutions for Biomedical Human-Cyber-Physical Systems’ would be to offer highlights on various aspects of cybersecurity and privacy within biomedical HCPS, ranging from novel encryption techniques and authentication protocols to advanced intrusion detection systems and secure software development practices. In addition, submissions that explore data protection and anonymization approaches, physical security issues, and regulatory compliance measures are welcome, as are studies that focus on education and training initiatives to promote a security-conscious culture among stakeholders. Furthermore, research highlighting innovative approaches to continuous monitoring, incident response, and the integration of emerging technologies to improve the security posture of biomedical HCPS will be of particular interest. By fostering interdisciplinary collaboration and showcasing cutting-edge research, this special issue aims to provide valuable insights and practical solutions for ensuring the integrity, confidentiality and availability of biomedical data and systems in an increasingly interconnected and digitally driven healthcare landscape. Possible research topics include but are not limited to: Ø Biometric Authentication Methods: Investigating the efficacy of biometric modalities such as fingerprint, iris, or facial recognition for secure access to biomedical HCPS. Ø Blockchain Technology in Healthcare: Exploring the application of blockchain for secure and immutable storage of biomedical data, ensuring patient privacy and data integrity. Ø Machine Learning for Cybersecurity: Developing machine learning algorithms for the protection and detection of abnormal behaviour and threats in biomedical HCPS networks. Ø Privacy-Preserving Data Sharing: Studying techniques for secure and privacy-preserving sharing of sensitive medical data among healthcare providers and researchers. Ø Secure Communication Protocols: Designing and evaluating communication protocols that ensure the confidentiality and integrity of data transmitted between biomedical devices and systems. Ø Cyber-Physical Attacks and Countermeasures: Analyzing potential cyber-physical attack vectors on biomedical HCPS and proposing effective countermeasures to mitigate these threats. Ø Human Factors in Cybersecurity: Investigating the role of human factors in cybersecurity breaches within biomedical HCPS and developing strategies to enhance user awareness and behavior. Ø Regulatory Compliance Frameworks: Examining regulatory frameworks such as HIPAA, GDPR, and medical device regulations to ensure compliance and mitigate security risks in biomedical HCPS. Ø Secure Software Development Practices: Assessing secure coding practices and methodologies tailored to the unique challenges of developing software for biomedical devices and systems. Ø Privacy-Preserving Machine Learning: Exploring techniques for training machine learning models on sensitive biomedical data while preserving patient privacy through methods such as federated learning or differential privacy. Ø Risk Assessment and Management: Developing risk assessment models and management strategies specific to the security and privacy risks inherent in biomedical HCPS. Ø Biomedical Device Security: Investigating vulnerabilities in biomedical devices and proposing solutions to secure these devices from cyber threats and unauthorized access. Ø Ethical Considerations in Biomedical HCPS Security: Examining ethical implications and considerations surrounding the implementation of security measures in biomedical HCPS, including issues of consent and autonomy. Ø Interoperability and Security: Addressing the challenges of ensuring interoperability between different components of biomedical HCPS while maintaining robust security measures. Ø Security Education and Training Programs: Evaluating the effectiveness of security education and training initiatives for healthcare professionals, device manufacturers, and end-users in biomedical HCPS environments. Manuscript submission information: The Journal's submission system will be open for submissions to our Special Issue from May 6, 2024. When submitting your manuscript please select the appropriate sub-category “VSI: Security and Privacy Solutions" In the additional information section. Please submit your manuscript before December 15, 2024 All manuscripts will receive expedited handling and the accepted version will appear online within one week. Please note that every accepted paper is subjected to a processing fee as per Elsevier's open access journal policies. If you have any further questions, please feel free to contact us at
Last updated by Dou Sun in 2024-07-12
Special Issue on Health Digital Twins in Precision and Personalized Medicine
Submission Date: 2024-12-30

In this special issue focused on health digital twins in precision and personalized medicine, we will explore the potential of the design, development, evaluation, and translation of the digital twins technology in biomedical research and medical practice. Guest Editors: Mohan Zalake Research Assistant Professor Biomedical and Health Information Sciences University of Illinois at Chicago, United States of America Email: Jacob Krive Clinical Associate Professor Biomedical and Health Information Sciences University of Illinois at Chicago, United States of America Email: Special issue information: Digital twin is a digital simulation of a real-world human subject or a system that allows studying effects and outcomes of various novel methodologies using computer technology. It has significant potential to revolutionize medical care and biomedical research by improving patient safety, clinical quality, and optimization of the care delivery models. Scope of the Special Issue: In this special issue focused on health digital twins in precision and personalized medicine, we will explore the potential of the design, development, evaluation, and translation of the digital twins technology in biomedical research and medical practice. Digital twins is a novel subject and represents a big opportunity for applied and academic research, hence we accept a broad scope of manuscripts: methodology papers, original research, technical implementation papers, preliminary research, and literature review. This special issue will cover a broad scope within the following (but not limited to) areas: Simulations in provider/community care settings. Applications in drug discovery, particularly in clinical trials. Facilitation of communications between providers and patients in community care settings. Conducting provider training in medical education, by applying a virtual patient model. Manuscript submission information: The Journal's submission system will be open for submissions to our Special Issue from May 6, 2024. When submitting your manuscript please select the appropriate sub-category “VSI: Health Digital Twins" In the additional information section. Please submit your manuscript before December 30, 2024 All manuscripts will receive expedited handling and the accepted version will appear online within one week. Please note that every accepted paper is subjected to a processing fee as per Elsevier's open access journal policies. If you have any further questions, please feel free to contact us at
Last updated by Dou Sun in 2024-07-12
Special Issue on Generative AI in Computational Biology and Bioinformatics
Submission Date: 2024-12-31

The main scope of the upcoming special issue focused on "Generative AI in Computational Biology and Bioinformatics" would be to offer highlights in the field covering the relevant topics from generative AI to computational biology and bioinformatics. Guest Editors: Ka-Chun Wong Associate Professor University of Hong Kong Email: Xingjian Chen Postdoctoral Fellow Harvard University Email: Shankai Yan Associate Professor Hainan University Email: Shixiong Zhang Associate Professor Xidian University Email: Xiangtao Li Professor Jilin University Email: Special issue information: Generative AI, a subfield of Artificial Intelligence (AI), has shown promising impacts in computational biology and bioinformatics. Specifically, it can be developed to create models capable of generating interesting data with the same statistical properties as the training set. This technology has been instrumental in simulating biological systems, predicting 3D molecular structures, and generating genomic sequences. The fusion of generative AI with computational biology and bioinformatics offers potential in understanding complex biological phenomena, drug discovery, and personalized medicine. However, the inherent complexity of biological systems poses challenges that necessitate further research and development in this interdisciplinary field. Scope of the Special Issue: The main scope of the upcoming special issue focused on "Generative AI in Computational Biology and Bioinformatics" would be to offer highlights in the field covering the relevant topics from generative AI to computational biology and bioinformatics. In this special issue, we will explore the potential of generative AI in the wide domains related to computational biology and bioinformatics with good performance at different V’s (volume, velocity, veracity, value, and variety) in the era of big data. Possible research topics include but are not limited to: Biotechnology Development with Generative AI Data Integration with Generative AI in Biology Ethics of Generative AI in Biology Foundation Models in Biology Multimodal Generative AI in Biology Software Tools with Generative AI in Biology Translational Studies with Generative AI in Biology Generative AI in Biological Networks, Biological Text Data, Biomedical Images, Cellular Biology, Disease Modelling, Drug Discovery, Epigenetics, Genomics, Genetic Engineering, High-throughput Sequencing, Medicine, Metagenomics, Microbiome Research, Proteomics, and Systems Biology Manuscript submission information: The Journal's submission system will be open for submissions to our Special Issue from May 6, 2024. When submitting your manuscript please select the appropriate sub-category “VSI: Generative AI in Computational Biology" In the additional information section. Please submit your manuscript before December 31, 2024 All manuscripts will receive expedited handling and the accepted version will appear online within one week. Please note that every accepted paper is subjected to a processing fee as per Elsevier's open access journal policies. If you have any further questions, please feel free to contact us at
Last updated by Dou Sun in 2024-07-12
Special Issue on Artificial Intelligence in Community based Mental Health Promotion, Health Management and Injury Prevention for Quality of Life
Submission Date: 2025-01-30

Transformative potential of artificial intelligence for improving mental health, managing chronic diseases, and preventing injuries underscores the need for concerted efforts to overcome these obstacles and achieve the vision of AI-enabled improvements to quality of life for all. Guest editors: Francisco Sampaio Assistant Professor Nursing School of Porto Porto, Portugal Email: Latha Parthiban Assistant Professor Pondicherry University Community College Pondicherry, India Email: Special issue information: For AI to be effective in community-based mental health promotion, health management, and injury prevention, a variety of challenges need to be overcome. AI-powered tools and platforms present significant challenges when it comes to ensuring privacy and security. Developing robust data governance frameworks and adhering to privacy regulations are essential for ensuring confidentiality and leveraging AI-driven insights to their full potential. A lack of access to AI technologies and digital literacy also affects equitable healthcare delivery, especially in underserved communities. It is imperative that targeted outreach efforts and tailored solutions are implemented to bridge the digital divide and foster inclusive AI-driven interventions. AI algorithms in diverse community settings pose additional technical challenges, such as bias mitigation, algorithmic transparency, and algorithmic fairness. In order to overcome these challenges, interdisciplinary collaboration, ongoing evaluation, and iterative refinement of AI-driven solutions are required. Even so, the transformative potential of artificial intelligence for improving mental health, managing chronic diseases, and preventing injuries underscores the need for concerted efforts to overcome these obstacles and achieve the vision of AI-enabled improvements to quality of life for all. Potential topics included, but not limited to: AI in community-based programs of mental health promotion for various demographic and cultural contexts Mobile apps, telehealth and wearable devices in mental health and health management for community settings AI in community partnerships for health initiatives Community based interventions in health disparities for underserved communities AI in youth and adolescent mental health programs for preventing injuries and manage health issues AI in resilience and coping strategies of community health for health management and injury prevention AI in impact of social and environmental factors of community health for health management AI technologies in health disparities and social determinants of health for targeted interventions and resource allocation strategies Artificial intelligence in evaluation and measurement of community health programs for health management and injury prevention All manuscripts will receive expedited handling and the accepted version will appear online within one week. Please note that every accepted paper is subjected to a processing fee as per Elsevier's open access journal policies. Manuscript submission information: When submitting your manuscript please select the appropriate sub-category “VSI: Artificial Intelligence in Community based Mental Health Promotion, Health Management and Injury Prevention for Quality of Life" In the additional information section. Please submit your manuscript before 30 January 2025. Editorial Submission Site We believe that this Special Issue will provide a timely and comprehensive overview of the current state-of-the-art in AI applications for biology and medicine, fostering interdisciplinary collaborations and inspiring future research directions in this rapidly evolving field. If you have any further questions, please feel free to contact us at
Last updated by Dou Sun in 2024-07-12
Special Issue on Coherent Multidimensional Spectroscopy for Biology
Submission Date: 2025-02-28

This special issue seeks to encompass a wide spectrum of research endeavors centered on inter-biomolecular properties investigated by coherent optical multidimensional spectroscopy (e.g., two-dimensional electronic spectroscopy, two-dimensional infrared spectroscopy, time-resolved Raman spectroscopy, and sum-frequency vibrational spectroscopy) and spectro-microscopy. Guest editors: Minjung Son David R. Dalton CD Assistant Professor of Chemistry Division of Materials Science & Engineering Boston University, United States of America Email: JunWoo Kim Assistant Professor of Chemistry Department of Chemistry Chungbuk National University, Republic of Korea Email: Special issue information: The intersection of nonlinear spectroscopy and biological systems offers a fascinating arena for scientific innovation, particularly through the lens of coherent multidimensional spectroscopy. This technique stands at the forefront of expanding our understanding of complex biological processes at the molecular level. The special issue on 'Coherent Multidimensional Spectroscopy for Biology' aims to highlight the transformative impact of these methodologies in studying biological phenomena. This special issue seeks to encompass a wide spectrum of research endeavors centered on inter-biomolecular properties investigated by coherent optical multidimensional spectroscopy (e.g., two-dimensional electronic spectroscopy, two-dimensional infrared spectroscopy, time-resolved Raman spectroscopy, and sum-frequency vibrational spectroscopy) and spectro-microscopy. We invite contributions spanning theoretical frameworks, experimental methodologies, and applications across diverse biological systems. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to, photosynthetic energy transfer, spectroscopic property of florescent proteins, protein-ligand interactions, and nonlinear spectro-microscopy studies on biological systems. By assembling a collection of cutting-edge studies, this special issue aims to illuminate the potential of revealing the electronic wavefunction dynamics and inter-molecular interactions in biological systems. Scope of the Special Issue: The main scope of the special issue focused on ‘Coherent Multidimensional Spectroscopy for Biology’ would be to offer highlights in the field covering optical multidimensional spectroscopy, spectro-microscopy, bioimaging, photosynthetic energy transfer, fluorescent proteins, and protein-ligand interactions. Possible research topics include but are not limited to: Multidimensional spectroscopy for photosynthetic energy transfer Multidimensional spectroscopy for fluorescent proteins Multidimensional spectroscopy for protein-ligand interactions Nonlinear spectro-microscopy for biological systems. Manuscript submission information: When submitting your manuscript please select the appropriate sub-category “VSI: oherent Multidimensional Spectroscopy for Biology" In the additional information section. Please submit your manuscript before February 28, 2025. All manuscripts will receive expedited handling and the accepted version will appear online within one week. Please note that every accepted paper is subjected to a processing fee as per Elsevier's open access journal policies. If you have any further questions, please feel free to contact us at
Last updated by Dou Sun in 2024-07-12
Special Issue on In silico exploration of ultra-large chemical libraries
Submission Date: 2025-04-30

The main scope of the upcoming special issue focused on ‘ultra-large chemical libraries’ would be to offer highlights in the field covering computational strategies to explore in a cost-efficient manner, using structure-based methods, this almost incomprehensible expanding chemical universe. Guest editors: Alan Talevi Head of the Laboratory of Bioactive Research and Development National University of La Plata, Argentina Email: Special issue information: In the last ten years the available chemical libraries have experienced a jump in scale, from millions to billions of available compounds both in proprietary collections and in commercial libraries on demand. This vast chemical diversity poses challenges in terms of design, management, comparison and exploration of such ultra-large spaces. Scope of the Special Issue: The main scope of the upcoming special issue focused on ‘ultra-large chemical libraries’ would be to offer highlights in the field covering computational strategies to explore in a cost-efficient manner, using structure-based methods, this almost incomprehensible expanding chemical universe. In this special issue, we will explore the potential of hybridization of machine learning and structure-based approximations to expand and explore massive chemical libraries. Possible research topics include but are not limited to: Ultra-large chemical libraries Virtual screening of ultra-large chemical databases Ultra-large combinatorial fragment spaces Reaction informatics Multi-billion on demand libraries Synthesize-on-demand chemical libraries (supervised and unsupervised exploration) Manuscript submission information: When submitting your manuscript please select the appropriate sub-category “VSI: In silico exploration of ultra-large chemical libraries" In the additional information section. Please submit your manuscript before April 30, 2025 All manuscripts will receive expedited handling and the accepted version will appear online within one week. Please note that every accepted paper is subjected to a processing fee as per Elsevier's open access journal policies. If you have any further questions, please feel free to contact us at
Last updated by Dou Sun in 2024-07-12
Special Issue on Adoption and Trust of Medical Imaging AI in Clinical Settings
Submission Date: 2025-10-31

Medical Imaging has been a privileged domain for AI developers: numerous systems are being developed to address diagnostic problems or support personalised treatment decisions, reaching high performance and promising successful deployment. This advancement has attracted the interest of clinical communities, aiming to address the challenges in clinical practice and decision support, in radiology, oncology, digital pathology, cardiology, to name a few. Guest editors: Ioanna Chouvarda Associate Professor Aristotle University of Thessaloniki Thessaloniki, Greece Email: Sara Colantonio Institute of Information Science and Technologies - ISTI National Research Council of Italy – CNR Pisa, Italy Email: Special issue information: Scope of the Special Issue: The main scope of the upcoming special issue of CSBJ: The Smart Hospital Section focused on ‘Adoption and Trust of Medical Imaging AI in clinical settings’ would be to showcase the latest developments in Medical Imaging AI technology and its translation to clinical practice, including methods to increase trustworthiness, methods to evaluate trustworthiness and adoption, as well as experiences and lessons learnt from deployment and adoption in clinical practice. Within the scope of AI in Medical Imaging Decision Support, possible research topics include but are not limited to. Methods and Applications of explainable AI Evaluation of explainable AI Fairness studies and methods – AI and Health Equity Studying the Uncertainty of Decisions Federated Learning systems and Challenges Clinical Validations, User Adoption and User Experience Methods for increasing Trust and Adoption in Clinical Settings Manuscript submission information: The Journal's submission system will be open for submissions to our Special Issue from December 17, 2023. When submitting your manuscript please select the appropriate sub-category “VSI: Adoption and Trust of Medical Imaging AI in Clinical Settings." In the additional information section. Please submit your manuscript before 31 October 2025 All manuscripts will receive expedited handling and the accepted version will appear online within one week. Please note that every accepted paper is subjected to a processing fee as per Elsevier's open access journal policies. If you have any further questions, please feel free to contact us at
Last updated by Dou Sun in 2024-07-12
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