Journal Information
Information and Organization
Impact Factor:
Call For Papers
Advances in information and communication technologies are associated with a wide and increasing range of social consequences, which are experienced by individuals, work groups, organizations, interorganizational networks, and societies at large. Understanding the relationships between communication, digital technologies and organizations is an increasingly important and urgent societal and scholarly concern in many disciplinary fields.

Information and Organization seeks to publish original articles on the relationships between digital technologies, communication, and organizations. It seeks a scholarly understanding that is based on empirical research and builds novel theoretical contributions. A particular focus of Information and Organization is to publish qualitative and interpretive research which adopts case studies, ethnography and in-depth longitudinal empirical studies, including critical theory and science and technology studies.

Papers that provoke critical thinking on important subjects are welcomed, including articles that focus on research impact and contributions to knowledge in our special section (RICK). The aim is to provide a forum that brings together innovative, reflective, and rigorous scholarship while being relevant for practice.

Of special interest are contributions on the social construction of information technologies, the implications of digital technologies for innovation and organizational change, alternative organizational designs such as virtual organizations and ecosystems, ICT's for institutional and societal change, global strategy and digitalization, data driven organizations and changes in work, ethics of digital technologies and data governance. The journal seeks contributions from fields such as information systems, organization theory, history and philosophy of science and technology, practice theory, institutional theory, strategy, and communication studies.
Last updated by Dou Sun in 2024-07-12
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