Journal Information
Information Technology & People
Impact Factor:
Call For Papers
Aims and scope

Information Technology & People has a longstanding reputation for publishing up to date, interesting, relevant and provocative research which opens up new directions for academic research. It is a source for emerging ideas which broadens the understanding of information technology and its relation to people. The journal retains an openness to multiple paradigms of research including most forms of mainstream empirical work. It has an ongoing tradition of being an outlet for international, qualitative and critical research in information systems and particularly welcomes cultural and geographic diversity in studies of new and old technologies. It looks for ways to better understand how people collectively conceptualize, invent, adapt, define and use technology, as well as how they are constrained by features of it.  We expect the focus of submissions to be on the specific role of technology in these areas rather than, for example, on brand consumption or human resource practices that happen to be supported by technologies.

Information technology pervades contemporary life, in the workplace, the marketplace and the home, as well as in national and regional economies. Institutional boundaries are shifting in response to dramatic new capabilities which are still unfolding at a rapid pace. Within the organization, information technology can now integrate all functional areas, as well as supplier and industry relationships worldwide.

Information Technology & People considers the significance of new social definitions of institutions, the social environment of production and technology implementation and on the human scale of social processes that are both the basis and the outcome of technological change.

With the launch of the AIS Transactions on Replication Research (, ITP will no longer accept papers which replicate existing studies for example, by applying them to a different technology or national context.  This includes replications of technology adoption (e.g. TAM (Technology Adoption Model) and UTAUT studies). Such papers should be directed to the Transactions instead.
Last updated by Dou Sun in 2024-08-13
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