Journal Information
Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Technology
Impact Factor:
Call For Papers
 Aims and scope

The Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Technology (JHTT) is a bridge between academia and industry through the intellectual exchange of ideas, trends and paradigmatic changes in the fields of hospitality and tourism, IT, innovation and e-business.

The journal offers a platform for scholars and operators to document the impact and influence of technology on hospitality and tourism industries. Some of the key topics it covers include:

    Artificial intelligence
    Augmented Reality/Virtual Reality applications (AR/VR)
    Automation and Robotics
    Big data analytics
    Biometric applications
    Business intelligence visualization
    Chatbots in hospitality and tourism
    Cross-Cultural differences in IT use
    Digital asset management
    Digital marketing of hospitality and tourism organizations
    Digital transformation
    eLearning in hospitality and tourism
    E-Marketplaces, electronic distribution channels, or e-Intermediaries
    E-Word of Mouth (e-WOM)
    GPS and Location-based services
    ICT and over-tourism
    ICT and tourism in remote destinations
    Internet of Things
    Internet or e-commerce business models
    IT control and preparation for disaster
    Mobile/Wireless technologies in commerce
    Radio Frequency Identification applications
    Recommender systems and personalization
    Relationship Development and Retention
    Revenue management and technology
    Security of transactions
    Self service technologies
    Service-Oriented Architecture of business systems
    Smart tourism and smart destinations
    Smartness and urban tourism
    Social dynamics of e-communication
    Social media marketing and management
    Technologies for sustainable hospitality operations
    Technologies for sustainable tourism development
    Technology and heritage tourism
    Technology and rural tourism development
    Technology and sustainable tourism
    Technology and tourism impacts in destinations
    Technology in New Product Development
    Voice-activated technologies
    Website design and evaluation
Last updated by Dou Sun in 2024-08-25
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