Journal Information
Multibody System Dynamics
Impact Factor:
Call For Papers
Aims and scope

The journal Multibody System Dynamics treats theoretical and computational methods in rigid and flexible multibody systems, their application, and the experimental procedures used to validate the theoretical foundations.

The research reported addresses computational and experimental aspects of multibody dynamics and their application to classical and emerging fields in science and technology. Both development and application aspects of multibody dynamics are relevant, in particular in the fields of control, optimization, real-time simulation, parallel computation, workspace and path planning, reliability, and durability. The journal also publishes articles covering application fields such as vehicle dynamics, aerospace technology, digital twins, robotics and mechatronics, soil models, machine dynamics, crashworthiness, biomechanics, data based methods, games, virtual reality, artificial intelligence, system identification and sport engineering if they involve or contribute to the field of Multibody System Dynamics.

The journal Multibody System Dynamics promotes UN sustainability development goals 8, 9, 12, 13, and 17. It fosters societal progress by applying cutting-edge academic research in engineering to address practical industrial and sustainability challenges. Particularly, it focuses on the evolving relationships between the environment, industry, and labor, as well as between humans and machines. The journal Multibody System Dynamics holds critical importance for forward-looking research teams and ecosystems that utilize simulation tools to model their processes or leverage digital twins to develop sustainable business models and processes. Moreover, the journal serves as a vital resource in educating the highly skilled workforce required to participate in the fifth industrial revolution.

Honorary Editor:
Werner Schiehlen, University of Stuttgart, Germany
Last updated by Dou Sun in 2024-07-18
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