Journal Information
Information Polity
Impact Factor:
IOS Press
Call For Papers
Aims & Scope

Information Polity is a tangible expression of the increasing awareness that Information and Communication technologies (ICTs) have become of deep significance for all polities as new technology-enabled forms of government, governing and democratic practice are sought or experienced throughout the world. This journal positions itself in these contexts, seeking to be at the forefront of thought leadership and debate about emerging issues, impact, and implications of government and democracy in the information age. Information Polity aims to publish academic work that contributes to understanding and strengthening a democratic information polity.

The journal promotes interdisciplinary work drawing from the wider social sciences (e.g. public policy, public management, public administration, political science, information systems, information science, media studies, philosophy, sociology, law, economics) and welcomes articles with an empirical, theoretical or conceptual contribution from scholars and practitioners throughout the world. The journal is both international and comparative in its perspectives and publishes articles on political, public policy, institutional, social, economic, legal, managerial, organizational, ethical, and wider social scientific themes and issues as they relate to the application of ICTs in government, governing and democratic practice. Examples of such themes and issues are:

-       Bureaucratic reform and modernization
-       Public and democratic innovation
-       Public policy in the information age
-       Citizenship in the information age
-       The impact of ICTs on political institutions and democratic practice
-       ICT regulation and governance
-       Social media and citizen engagement
-       Political information and the role of new media
-       Internet activism, political organization and collective action
-       Government ICT strategy, leadership and management
-       Service transformation and multi-channel service provision
-       Cross-government information-sharing
-       Digital identity and privacy
-       Surveillance and cybersecurity
-       Open government, transparency and accountability
-       Public records management in the information age
Last updated by Dou Sun in 2024-08-25
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