Journal Information
International Journal of Wireless Information Networks
Impact Factor:
Call For Papers
Aims and scope

International Journal of Wireless Information Networks is an international forum for the dissemination of knowledge related to wireless information networks for researchers in the telecommunications and computer industries. This outstanding quarterly publishes high-quality, peer-reviewed original papers on applications such as sensor and mobile ad-hoc networks, wireless personal area networks, wireless LANs, mobile data networks, location aware networks and services, and RF localization and RFID techniques. The journal also covers performance-predictions methodologies, radio propagation studies, modulation and coding, multiple access methods, security and privacy considerations, antenna and RF subsystems, VLSI and ASIC design, experimental trials, traffic and frequency management, and network signaling and architecture.

Four categories of papers are published: invited openings (review current and future directions), overview reports (address the philosophy and technical details of the standards and field trials), technical papers (present specific technical contributions of archival value), and letters (present new enhancement of previously published works, statements of open problems, comments on published papers, and corrections). International Journal of Wireless Information Networks aims to fill the needs of academic researchers involved in basic research at universities or research laboratories; telecommunications and computer engineers involved in design, planning, operation, and maintenance of state-of-the-art wireless information networks; and the technical community in telecommunications and computers involved in applied research and standards activities.

To view cumulative tables of contents, find details on the latest call for papers, or other information, please visit the International Journal of Wireless Information Networks Web Site.
Last updated by Dou Sun in 2024-07-23
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