
Computation (ISSN 2079-3197), a journal of computational science and engineering. It publishes reviews, regular research papers, communications and short notes, and there is no restriction on the length of the papers. Our aim is to encourage scientists to publish their experimental and theoretical research in as much detail as possible. Full experimental and/or methodical details must be provided for research articles. There are, in addition, unique features of this journal:

    manuscripts regarding research proposals and research ideas will be particularly welcomed
    computed data or files regarding the full details of the experimental procedure, if unable to be published in a normal way, can be deposited as supplementary material
    manuscripts concerning summaries and surveys on research cooperation and projects (that are founded by national governments or others) provide information for a broad field of users.


    computational biology, including, but not limited to:
        mathematical modeling, simulation and prediction of nucleic acid (DNA/RNA) and protein sequences, structure and functions
        mathematical modeling of pathways and genetic interactions
        neuroscience computation including neural modeling, brain theory and neural networks
    computational chemistry, including, but not limited to:
        new theories and methodology including their applications in molecular dynamics
        computation of electronic structure
        density functional theory
        designing and characterization of materials with computation method
    computation in engineering, including, but not limited to:
        new theories, methodology and the application of computational fluid dynamics (CFD)
        optimisation techniques and/or application of optimisation to multidisciplinary systems
        system identification and reduced order modelling of engineering systems
        parallel algorithms and high performance computing in engineering
最終更新 Dou Sun 2020-03-19
CCF完全な名前インパクト ・ ファクター出版社ISSN
International Journal of ComputingResearch Institute of Intelligent Computer Systems1727-6209
bComputer Supported Cooperative Work1.825Springer0925-9724
cJournal of Logic and Computation0.586Oxford University Press0955-792X
bNeural Computation1.884MIT Press0899-7667
ACM Transactions on Computation TheoryACM1942-3454
Computers & Education8.538Elsevier0360-1315
cACM Transactions on Computing EducationACM1946-6226
bACM Transactions on Computational Logic ACM1529-3785
cIET Communications0.624IET1751-8628
IEEE Transactions on Cognitive Communications and Networking5.646IEEE2372-2045
完全な名前インパクト ・ ファクター出版社
International Journal of ComputingResearch Institute of Intelligent Computer Systems
Computer Supported Cooperative Work1.825Springer
Journal of Logic and Computation0.586Oxford University Press
Neural Computation1.884MIT Press
ACM Transactions on Computation TheoryACM
Computers & Education8.538Elsevier
ACM Transactions on Computing EducationACM
ACM Transactions on Computational Logic ACM
IET Communications0.624IET
IEEE Transactions on Cognitive Communications and Networking5.646IEEE
IHCIInternational Conference on Intelligent Human Computer Interaction2020-07-152020-08-252020-11-24
ICEIInternational Conference on Electronic Engineering and Information Engineering2012-05-052012-05-252012-10-27
cb3CIBCBIEEE Symposium on Computational Intelligence in Bioinformatics and Computational Biology2016-05-152016-06-302016-10-05
baa2NOSSDAVInternational Workshop on Network and Operating Systems Support for Digital Audio and Video2024-01-262024-03-082024-04-10
CBFDInternational Conference on Computer, Blockchain and Financial Development2021-04-20 2021-04-23
ICCMCEInternational Conference on Chemical Machinery and Control Engineering2020-02-27 2020-04-10
aa*a1ICCVInternational Conference on Computer Vision2023-03-082022-07-132023-09-30
xCoAxInternational Conference on Computation, Communication, Aesthetics and X2020-01-312020-03-232020-07-08
aa2ICCSInternational Conference on Computational Science2024-02-022024-04-012024-07-02
CCAInternational Conference on Computer and Applications2016-02-262016-03-042016-03-24