Información de la Revista
International Journal of Computerized Dentistry
Quintessenz Verlags GmbH
Solicitud de Artículos
This new journal explores the myriad of innovations in the emerging field of computerized dentistry and how to integrate them into clinical practice. Articles also address the use of computer-based communication to support patient care, assess the quality of care, and enhance clinical decision-making. The journal is presented in a bilingual format, making original articles from all over the world available in English as well as the authors' native languages. Each issue offers three types of articles: science-based, application-based, and national society reports.

The bulk of the journal is devoted to the science of computer-assisted dentistry, with research articles and clinical reports on all aspects of computer-based diagnostic and therapeutic applications. Special emphasis is placed on CAD/CAM and image-processing systems.
Última Actualización Por Dou Sun en 2020-03-19
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