International Journal on Software Tools for Technology Transfer (STTT)
The International Journal on Software Tools for Technology Transfer (STTT) provides a forum for the discussion of all aspects of tools supporting the development of computer systems. It offers, above all, a tool-oriented link between academic research and industrial practice.

Tool support for the development of reliable and correct computer systems is of growing importance, and a wealth of design methodologies, algorithms, and associated tools have been developed in different areas of computer science. However, each area has its own culture and terminology, preventing researchers from taking advantage of the results obtained by colleagues in other fields. Tool builders are often unaware of the work done by others, and thus unable to apply it. The situation is even more critical when considering the transfer of new technology into industrial practice.

STTT addresses this situation by (1) publishing accessible papers that introduce researchers and practitioners to state-of-the-art tools and techniques and (2) channeling comments, queries, and feedback about tools and papers in the Online Forum with highlights published electronically.

STTT focuses on three major technical themes:

1. Construction and analysis issues: These involve hierarchical and compositional approaches; syntax-oriented vs. semantic methods; synthesis vs. verification; formal support of the entire system life cycle, including requirements capture, design, implementation, verification, testing maintenance, evolution; and analysis of non-functional aspects of system behavior, such as real-time, probability, and efficiency.

2. Practicality issues: These address performance, genericity, and usability of tools; case studies and experience reports; and industrial use and feedback.

3. Generic tool issues: These include paradigms (fully automated vs. interactive approaches); design issues (modularity, efficiency, portability, integrability, reusability); automatic support (tool generators, integrators, and interface builders); and user interfaces (graphics, Web forms, retrieval).

STTT comprises Regular Papers, Special Sections in the form of Special Issues or Thematic Sections, the Formal Methods Letters (FML) with its own Editorial Sub-board, an Opinion Corner with Position Papers and Reviews, as well as an Online Forum for more instantaneous discussion. All these kinds of contributions are handled via the STTT online service http://sttt.cs.tu-dortmund.de/sttt-regular/servlet/Conference.

Due to STTT's emphasis on technology transfer, we encourage an illustrative, example-driven presentation style that focuses on the underlying themes. Technical material and detailed proofs that are not necessary for the comprehension of the essence and the impact of the contributions should be replaced by adequate referencing of other publications or be provided separately in an online appendix. This way the journal provides a fast and intuitive entry into new material and new themes, and, at the same time, the online appendix gives experts easy access to the related technical or theoretical details. These include proofs, definitions of complicated underlying calculi, and discussions of related theories, as well as other information concerning implementation issues, user documentation, benchmarking information, and raw experimental data, which go beyond the general interest.
最后更新 Dou Sun 在 2013-10-03
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