Journal Information
International Journal of Agent-Oriented Software Engineering (IJAOSE)
Inder Science Publishers
Call For Papers
Topics covered include

    Novel software engineering technologies based on software agents
    Synergies between agent-oriented/object-oriented software engineering
    Ontologies and agents
    Agent-oriented requirements engineering, enterprise/business process modelling
    Agent communication languages for business communication
    Agent-oriented metamodelling/modelling design methods/modelling languages
    Agents and MDA; architectures for agent-oriented/active information systems
    Agents and knowledge management
    Agent-oriented approaches to data integration
    Agent-based workflow modelling
    Agent orientation and e-services/web services/web information systems
    Reuse, testing and quality issues
    Formal methods and standardisation for AOSE
    Software development environments and CASE tools for AOSE
    Managing trust/reputation; adoption experiences - organisational/cultural impacts


The objectives of IJAOSE are to establish a communication vehicle for researchers and practitioners to promote, publicise and exchange ideas relating to the interface between research and commercial adoption of agent technology within the software development community. A further objective is to bring together the two relevant communities of agent technologists and (traditional) software engineers. Although software engineering necessarily encompasses research and application, an individual paper in IJAOSE may address one or both of these aspects. If a proposal is purely theoretical, some application areas need to be indicated although empirical proof will not necessarily be required for publication in the journal.


Software engineering researchers; software developers; IT managers; educators


IJAOSE primarily publishes original papers subsequent to full peer review. Special issues may also be commissioned occasionally.
Last updated by Dou Sun in 2013-10-03
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