Journal Information
Human Technology
University of Jyvaskyla
Call For Papers
Human Technology is an interdisciplinary, multiscientific journal focusing on the human aspects of our modern technological world. The journal provides a forum for innovative and original research on timely and relevant topics with the goal of exploring current issues regarding the human dimension of evolving technologies and, then, providing new ideas and effective solutions for addressing the challenges.

Focusing on both everyday and professional life, the journal is equally interested in, for example, the social, psychological, educational, cultural, philosophical, cognitive scientific, and communication aspects of human-centered technology. Special attention shall be paid to information and communication technology themes that facilitate and support the holistic human dimension in the future information society.

Human Technology publishes reports of empirical work, theoretical analyses, and reviews. It features guest editors and thematic issues and publishes peer-reviewed research reports as well as commentaries. There are no restrictions on the background of authors and published papers will reflect high scientific standards. Human Technology is valuable to scientists as well as commercial entities working to create a human-centered technological world. The journal is available online without a subscription fee.
Last updated by Dou Sun in 2020-03-19
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