Journal Information
Computational Social Networks
Call For Papers
Aims and scope

Computational Social Networks has merged with the Journal of Combinatorial Optimization as of January 2022. All published articles will remain accessible on

New submissions relating to the Computational Social Networks should be directed to the Journal of Combinatorial Optimization.

Computational Social Networks showcases refereed papers dealing with all mathematical, computational and applied aspects of social computing. The objective of this journal is to advance and promote the theoretical foundation, mathematical aspects, and applications of social computing. Submissions are welcome which focus on common principles, algorithms and tools that govern network structures/topologies, network functionalities, security and privacy, network behaviors, information diffusions and influence, social recommendation systems which are applicable to all types of social networks and social media.

Topics include (but are not limited to) the following:

    Social network design and architecture
    Mathematical modeling and analysis
    Real-world complex networks
    Information retrieval in social contexts, political analysts
    Network structure analysis
    Network dynamics optimization
    Complex network robustness and vulnerability
    Information diffusion models and analysis
    Security and privacy
    Searching in complex networks
    Efficient algorithms
    Network behaviors
    Trust and reputation
    Social Influence
    Social Recommendation
    Social media analysis
    Big data analysis on online social networks

This journal publishes rigorously refereed papers dealing with all mathematical, computational and applied aspects of social computing. The journal also includes reviews of appropriate books as special issues on hot topics.
Last updated by Dou Sun in 2024-07-23
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