Conference Information
WCECS 2015: World Congress on Engineering and Computer Science
Submission Date:
2015-07-23 Extended
Notification Date:
Conference Date:
San Francisco, California, USA
Viewed: 14639   Tracked: 1   Attend: 0

Call For Papers
The World Congress on Engineering and Computer Science 2015 will take place in San Francisco, USA, 21-23 October, 2015. 	 

The WCECS 2015 is organized by the International Association of Engineers (IAENG), a non-profit international association for the engineers and the computer scientists. The congress has the focus on the frontier topics in the theoretical and applied engineering and computer science subjects. The WCECS conferences serve as good platforms for our members and the entire engineering community to meet with each other and to exchange ideas. Our last IAENG conference has attracted more than one thousand participants from over 30 countries, and our conference committees have been formed with over two hundred and sixty committee members who are mainly research center heads, faculty deans, department heads, professors, and research scientists from over 20 countries.

All submitted papers will be under peer review and accepted papers will be published in the conference proceeding (ISBN: 978-988-19253-6-7). The abstracts will be indexed and available at major academic databases. The accepted papers will also be considered for publication in the special issues of the journal Engineering Letters, in IAENG journals and in edited books by publishers like Springer.
Last updated by Dou Sun in 2015-07-17
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