Journal Information
Telecommunication Systems
Impact Factor:
Call For Papers
Aims and scope

Telecommunication Systems is a journal covering all aspects of modeling, analysis, design and management of telecommunication systems. The journal publishes high quality articles dealing with the use of analytic and quantitative tools for the modeling, analysis, design and management of telecommunication systems covering:

    Performance Evaluation of Wide Area and Local Networks;
    Network Interconnection;
    Wire, wireless, Adhoc, mobile networks;
    Impact of New Services (economic and organizational impact);
    Fiberoptics and photonic switching;
    DSL, ADSL, cable TV and their impact;
    Design and Analysis Issues in Metropolitan Area Networks;
    Networking Protocols;
    Dynamics and Capacity Expansion of Telecommunication Systems;
    Multimedia Based Systems, Their Design Configuration and Impact;
    Configuration of Distributed Systems;
    Pricing for Networking and Telecommunication Services;
    Performance Analysis of Local Area Networks;
    Distributed Group Decision Support Systems;
    Configuring Telecommunication Systems with Reliability and Availability;
    Cost Benefit Analysis and Economic Impact of Telecommunication Systems;
    Standardization and Regulatory Issues;
    Security, Privacy and Encryption in Telecommunication Systems;
    Cellular, Mobile and Satellite Based Systems. 

Special Issues: The journal publishes from time to time a special issue of the devoted to a single subject area. If interested in serving as a guest editor for a special issue, please contact the Editor-in-Chief Muhammad Khurram Khan at with a proposal for the special issue.

Officially cited as: Telecommun Syst
Last updated by Dou Sun in 2024-07-20
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