ITC 2025: International Test Conference
San Diego, California, USA
CCF: b   CORE: b   QUALIS: a1   閲覧: 103406   追跡: 24   出席: 0

The International Test Conference (ITC) is the world’s premier venue dedicated to the
electronic test of devices, boards and systems—covering the complete cycle from design
verification, design- for-test, design-for-manufacturing, silicon debug, manufacturing
test, system test, diagnosis, reliability and failure analysis, and back to process and
design improvement.

Authors are invited to submit original, unpublished papers describing recent work in the
field of testing and testable design. Of particular interest are works dedicated to the
topics listed on the right and/or works focused on special tracks such as Automotive
Reliability, Reliability of AI HW and usage of AI for Testing, 3D/2.5D and Chiplet
Testing, or HW Security. Authors are also invited to submit practical, industry-oriented
papers. A special industrial case-study track is dedicated to papers that enable
others to learn best industrial practices.

Submissions must include:
• Title of paper.
• Name, affiliation, e-mail address of each author. (Double blind review is not required).
• The corresponding author(s). ITC will communicate with the corresponding author(s).
• One or two topic(s) from the topic list, or a description of your topic.
• An electronic copy of a complete paper of 6~10 pages for regular papers (including regular Industrial case-study papers) or 3~5 pages for short Industrial Practices papers.
• An abstract of 35 words or less to be entered online.
最終更新 Dou Sun 2025-02-04
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CCF完全な名前インパクト ・ ファクター出版社ISSN
Cognition, Technology & Work2.400Springer1435-5558
Journal of Cultural Heritage3.500Elsevier1296-2074
International Journal of Interactive Mobile TechnologiesKassel University Press GmbH1865-7923
Computers in Industry8.200Elsevier0166-3615
Computers in Biology and Medicine7.000Elsevier0010-4825
International Journal of Numerical Methods for Heat & Fluid Flow4.000Emerald0961-5539
AEU - International Journal of Electronics and Communications3.000Elsevier1434-8411
ICT Express4.100Elsevier2405-9595
International Journal of Applied Control, Electrical and Electronics EngineeringAIRCC2394-0816
Sustainable Computing: Informatics and Systems3.800Elsevier2210-5379