Conference Information
ICIEA 2024: International Conference on Industrial Electronics and Applications
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Kristiansand, Norway
Viewed: 35490   Tracked: 13   Attend: 7

Call For Papers
The 19th IEEE Conference on Industrial Electronics and Applications (ICIEA 2024) will be held on 05-08 August 2024, in Kristiansand, Norway. The Conference is organized by the IEEE Industrial Electronics Chapter of Singapore, the University of Agder, and the IEEE Singapore Section. The IEEE Industrial Electronics Society is both the financial and technical sponsor.

As a premier IEEE conference, ICIEA is ranked in the Top 15% of the Best Conferences in the field of Electrical and Electronics Engineering ( ICIEA provides an inclusive platform for scientists, researchers, and industrial practitioners worldwide to present the latest technological advancement and to discuss the future directions and trends in Industrial Electronics. The proceedings of past ICIEAs have all been included in the IEEE Xplore database and indexed by EI Compendex.
Conference Tracks

Authors are invited to submit full papers describing original research work in areas including, but not limited to:

Artificial Intelligence: Generative AI, Natural language processing, video analysis, Speech recognition, Object recognition, Gesture recognition, Machine learning, Knowledge Representation, Reasoning, Statistical learning, Deep learning, Neural networks, Design for AI chip and systems, AI applications

Control and Systems: Adaptive and intelligent control, Hybrid control, Digital control theory and development, Robust control, Nonlinear systems and control, Process control, Networked control, Cooperative control, Biocontrol, Cyber-physical Systems

Energy and Environment: Energy management and control, Energy distribution, storage and recovery, Alternative and green energy, Waste management, Waste treatment and recycling, Water network and security, Sensor technologies, Intelligent micro-grids, Renewable energy, Demand side management, Solar photovoltaic and wind system, Energy meteorology, Green energy, Offshore systems

Industrial Informatics and Computational Intelligence: Diagnosis and prognosis, Intelligent automation, Networked embedded controllers, Machine-to-machine, Condition-based maintenance, Multi-agent systems, Fuzzy systems, Genetic algorithm, Evolutionary computing, Data mining, Internet of things, , Distributed computing

Network and Communication Technologies: Network protocols, Mobile computing, Mobile ad hoc networks, Mobile agents, Network architectures, Quality of services, Cross-layer design/optimization, Design and performance evaluation, Traffic control, Wireless systems, MU-MIMO systems, Optoelectronics and Optical Communication

Power Electronics: Power devices and components, Electrical machines and Industrial drives, Power quality control, FACTS, PFC, STATCOM, Harmonic analysis and compensations, Switching circuits and power converters, Motors and drives, Smart grid, Distribution generation and electrical vehicles, Wireless power transmission, Energy harvesting

Robotics: Robotics vision, Visual servoing, SLAM, LIDAR, Sensor fusion, Actuators, Motion control, Robot-human collaboration, Remote operation, Autonomous mobile robot, Reinforcement learning, 3D simulation, AI for robotics, Industrial application case studies, Generative design and optimization of robotics systems

Signal and Information Processing: Image processing, Computer vision, Bio-image processing, Audio/video processing, Data processing, Estimation and identification, Remote sensing, Information fusion, Brain computer interface, Signal transforming and filtering, Digital system design and structures, Optimization techniques. 
Last updated by Dou Sun in 2023-11-18
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