ICMCA 2017: International Conference on Mechanical Control and Automation
2017-05-18 Extended
Guilin, China
浏览: 11322   关注: 2   参加: 0

Papers submitted to ICMCA 2017 should describe original unpublished work in the field of Mechanical Control and Automation including the following Topics:

Topic1:Mechanical Engineering
Casting Technology and Equipment
Welding Technology and Equipment
Special Processing Technology and Equipment
Mechanical Dynamics and Vibration
Spacecraft Structure and Design
Precision mechanics, mechatronics
Mechanical Power Engineering
Internal Combustion Engines
CNC Technology and Numerical Control Machines
Machinery and Machine Design
Aircraft Manufacturing Technology
Vehicle Engineering
Heat treatment technology and Equipment
Construction Machinery and Equipment
Agricultural Machinery Manufacturing
Mechanical Friction, Wear and Lubrication
The Machine Assembly Process
Cutting Technology and Equipment
Power Mechanical Engineering
Chemical Machinery and Equipment
Aircraft Structure and Design
Food Machinery
Automotive Engineering
Mining Machinery Engineering
Fluid Power Transmission and Control
Mechanical Strength
Plastic Processing Technology and Equipment
Metallurgical Machinery
Textile Machinery and Equipment
Non-metallic Processing

Topic2:Control and Automation
Micro-computer Embedded Control Applications
Industrial Bus Control Applications
Computer Integrated Manufacturing
Process Control and Automation
Circuits and Systems
Cybernetics for Informatics
Intelligent Traffic Control
Fuzzy Control and Its Applications
Production Process Simulation
Vehicle Control Systems
Intelligent Optimization Agorithms and Applications
Decision Support Systems
Network Control
Embedded Systems
Fluid Power Transmission and Control
Electric Automation
Sensors and Applications
Measurement and Diagnosis Systems
Digital System and Logic Design
Microelectronics Technology
Control System Modeling and Simulation technology
Industrial Process Control

Topic3:Mechanics Science
Applied Mechanics
Computational Mechanics
Dynamics and Vibration
Fatigue and Fracture
Fluid Dynamics
Fluid Mechanics and Machinery
General mechanics
Multibody Dynamics
Noise and Vibration
Plasticity Mechanics

Topic4:System Modeling and Simulation
Monte Carlo Simulation
Continuous and Discrete Methodologies
Mathematical Modelling
Web-based Simulation
Object-Oriented Implementation
Simulation Optimization
Simulation Tools and Languages
Numerical Methods
Time Series Analysis
Distributed Simulation
Discrete Event Simulation
Complex Systems Modeling and Simulation
Dynamic Modelling
Agent-based Modelling

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