Journal Information
Electronic Journal of e-Learning (EJEL)
Academic Publishing Limited
Call For Papers
The Electronic Journal of e-Learning is an online open access journal that aims to publish articles and papers that contribute to the development of theory and practice in the field of e-learning. For full details of the aims and scope of the journal, please see below.

All papers submitted to the journal are initially reviewed by the Editors and those selected for consideration are submitted to a double-blind peer review by at least two members of the Review Board. On the basis of these reviews, the Editors will then either:

    Accept the paper for publication with no changes
    Accept the paper for publication with only minor, editorial changes
    Accept the paper for publication provided it is amended in line with the reviewers comments
    Recommend a more major re-write and offer the chance to resubmit 
    Reject the paper as unsuitable for publication
    In all instances, reviewers' comments are passed to the authors.

The journal also periodically publishes book and conference reviews and these are welcomed at any time.

In accordance with the practice in the open access community authors are asked to pay a nominal sum to publish in EJEL, which is intended to cover some of the costs of publishing. The current publication charge is GBP 400 + VAT. This amount is payable only after the paper has been accepted for publication.

There are no charges to access the journal on screen or to print or download the papers. 

Continuous Publication

EJEL now follows a continuous publication model. This means that once a paper has been finally accepted, an invoice for the publication fee will be sent. On receipt of payment the paper will pass through to production and authors will receive page proofs to check. We will endeavour to publish the paper within two weeks of authors accepting the page proofs.  The journal will continue to gather articles for between five and six issues per year, but the  journal’s website will be continuously updated throughout the year. When the deadline of an issue has passed, it is closed and the next issue is begun. This model allows for faster publication of articles that no longer need to wait for the issue to be completed,  allowing authors to see their work published as soon as possible. The exception to this process is special issues. In this case authors will be kept informed as to progress of the issue, and where possible all papers will be published together.

Aims and Scope
The Electronic Journal of e-Learning provides a multidisciplinary forum for research on education and learning that informs theories and practice of how people learn, and the design of e-learning environments in different contexts. EJEL provides perspectives on topics relevant to the study, implementation and management of e-learning initiatives.The journal also includes topics that focus on increasing operational efficiencies in the implementation of e-learning, as well as technological system development issues.

The journal contributes to the development of both theory and practice in the field of e-learning. The journal accepts academically robust papers, topical articles and case studies that contribute to the area of research in e-learning.

Every paper submitted to the journal is double-blind-refereed by at least two members of the Review Board or other suitably qualified readers. The Editors reserve the right to reject papers that the consider of insufficient quality, or not sufficiently relevant to the subject area. The editors are prepared to discuss contributions before submission. The journal publishes work in the categories described below.

Research Papers
Within the overall scope of EJEL, these may be qualitative or quantitative, empirical or theoretical in nature and can discuss completed research findings or in some cases work in progress may also be considered.

Case Studies
Within the overall scope of EJEL, case studies are welcomed illustrating pedagogical, learning, and educational practices regarding design, planning, conducting and evaluating modules, courses, knowledge sharing etc.

View Points
Within the overall scope of EJEL, view points are less academically rigorous articles usually in areas of controversy which will fuel some interesting debate.

Conference Reports and Book Reviews
Anyone who attends a conference or reads a book that they feel makes a contribution within the scope of  EJEL is encouraged to submit a review for publication.

Contribution and Dates
Papers can be submitted at any time. The period from submission to publication varies but as the journal operates a continuous publication model, papers will be published when they have been finally accepted and the publication fee has been received.
Last updated by Dou Sun in 2024-08-25
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