Conference Information
FASE 2025: Fundamental Approaches to Software Engineering
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Hamilton, Canada
CORE: b   QUALIS: a2   Viewed: 24077   Tracked: 20   Attend: 1

Call For Papers
General Information

FASE is concerned with the foundations on which software engineering is built.

Submissions should make novel contributions to making software engineering a more mature and soundly-based discipline. Contributions should be supported by appropriate arguments and validation. Contributions that combine the development of conceptual and methodological advances with their formal foundations and tool support are particularly encouraged. We welcome contributions to all such fundamental approaches, including:

    applications of AI to software engineering, including search-based, learning-based approaches, and advances in code generation and program synthesis, automated testing and debugging, software documentation and program understanding, intelligent code review and refactoring, DevOps and AIOps, and applications of large language models (LLMs).
    software engineering foundations for AI-based systems, for example with focus on: explainability, transparency and trust, data management, testing and verification, lifecycle management, system architecture;
    software quality and testing: validation and verification of functional and non-functional software properties ( including security and data privacy) using techniques such as theorem proving, model checking, testing, analysis, simulation, refinement methods, metrics or visualization techniques;
    software engineering as an engineering discipline, including its interaction with and impact on society and economics;
    ethical and responsible software engineering: prioritizing fairness, transparency, and accountability in AI and software systems while addressing societal concerns like inequality and bias;
    requirements engineering: capture, consistency, and change management of software requirements, natural language processing for requirement elicitation;
    software architectures: description and analysis of the architecture, e.g., SOA, microservice architectures, cloud-native architectures, event-driven architectures, model-driven architectures, or software product lines;
    specification, design, and implementation of particular classes of systems: (self-)adaptive, autonomous, collaborative, intelligent, embedded, distributed, mobile, pervasive, cyber-physical, data-centric, service-oriented applications, multi-agent systems, safety-critical, real-time, blockchain-based, mixed-reality systems, human-in-the-loop systems or digital twins;
    model-driven engineering: model transformation, meta-modelling, design and semantics of domain-specific languages, consistency and synchronization of models, generative architectures, low-code and no-code development;
    software processes: support for iterative, agile, and open source development;
    software evolution: refactoring, reverse and re-engineering, configuration management and architectural change, mining software repositories.
Last updated by Dou Sun in 2024-10-01
Acceptance Ratio
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