Conference Information
ICEMIS 2018: International Conference on Engineering & MIS
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Istanbul, Turkey
Viewed: 11654   Tracked: 0   Attend: 0

Call For Papers
The ICEMIS is composed of the following 18 tracks - Topics of interest include, but are not limited to, the following:

Bioinformatics & Biology: Biomedicine, epidemiology, & agriculture, Computer-aided drug design, Databases & database integration, Evolution and phylogenetics, Metabolomics, Ontologies,Pathways, Networks, and systems,Proteomics, Sequence analysis, Simulation & system dynamics, Structural bioinformatics, Text mining, Transcriptomics, Microarray Data Analysis, Micro RNA and RNAi, Biomedical Applications, Therapeutic Applications of Computational Biology, Computational Drug Discovery, Evolution and Phylogenetics, Sequence Motifs, Alignments, and families, Functional Genomics, Promoter Analysis and Discovery, Recognition of Regulatory Elements, Comparative Genomics and Annotation, Genetic Variation, Development Control, Future Trends of Bioinformatics, and any topic related to Biology. 

Chemical Engineering & Petrol Engineering: Analytical Chemistry, Advanced materials processing, Biochemical and bio-molecular engineering, Bioengineering and biomedical engineering, Biological and Medicinal, Chemistry, Biotechnology, Catalysis, Chemical Education, Chemical engineering education, Chemical reaction engineering, Chemical engineering equipment design and process design, Economics and Business Management, Environment, Inorganic Chemistry, Macromolecular Science and Engineering, Materials Chemistry, Organic Chemistry, Physical, Theoretical and Computational Chemistry, Process Safety Management, Rubber, Surface Science, Systems and Control, Green Chemistry Forum and any topic related to this track.

Electrical Engineering and Communications Systems:Communications Theory: Coding theory and techniques, Fading channels, Multiplexing, Adaptive modelling, Filtering techniques, Noise reduction, Transmission diversity, Demodulation, Synchronization, Queuing Theory, Modulation, Network Management, Communications Protocols, Wireless Networks, Location-based Services and Positioning, Next Generation Internet, Network Applications & Services, any topic related to this track. 

Educational in ICT: E-learning, Distance Education, Educational Technology, Virtual education and others.

Robotics: Programming, Software, Hardware, Applications, Tools, Systems and Technologies.

Web Technologies: Social Networks, Programming Languages, Semantics, Web Semantic, Mobile Applications, Mobile Engineering, web applications developments and others.

Health Advances and Technologies

Machine Learning

Modeling, & Simulation

Engineering Projects Management  

Computing & Applications: OS, Databases, Cloud Computing, Soft Computing, Genetic Programming, Genetic Algorithm, Swarm Intelligence, Machine Learning, Pattern Recognition, Fuzzy Systems, Fuzzy Logic, Neural network, Machine Learning, Multi-Agent Systems, Neural Genetic Systems, Neural Fuzzy Systems, Pattern Recognition, Time Series Analysis, Forecasting, Reinforcement Learning, tatistical Data Analysis, Complex Systems, Evolutionary Systems, Applications of soft computing to: Control problems, sensor fusion, manufacturing, testing and diagnostics, semiconductor processing, modeling of complex systems, approximate reasoning, optimization, management science, decision analysis, information systems, economics, financial systems, business applications, forecasting, reliability, cost-benefit analysis, risk assessments, medical applications, forensic applications, automotive applications, robotics, automation, etc. New developments in soft computing: Development of applications or approaches combining fuzzy logic, neural networks, evolutionary computation, expert systems, etc.Soft computing software, Hardware implementations of soft computing.

Signal Processing Engineering 

Renewable Energy 

Management Information Systems (MIS): e-Commerce vs. e-Business, Building an e-Business, e-Gov, Designing a web site, elements of a web site, evaluation and usability, Web site design: Site plan, strategies and designs, E-commerce Web Site Design: Strategies and Model, Payments, CRM, B2B e-Commerce,  KPMG presentation aother topics related in IS.

Applied Mathematics & Statistics 

Smart Cities

Multimedia Tools and Applications
Last updated by Dou Sun in 2017-10-08
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