Conference Information
AESPP 2018: International Conference on Aerospace Energy Systems and Power Plants
Submission Date:
2018-07-10 Extended
Notification Date:
Conference Date:
Samara, Russia
Viewed: 7374   Tracked: 0   Attend: 0

Call For Papers
Aerospace Energy Systems

    Aircraft Structure and Design; Spacecraft Structure and Design; Aircraft Manufacturing Technology; Aerospace Engineering; Aerodynamics; Aerospace Systems and Technology; Aerodynamics and Aeroelasticity; Aerospace Dynamics and Controls; Aerospace Propulsion; Aerospace Structures; Aerospace Design, Testing, and Performance; Airworthiness and Certifications; Experimental Methods and Measurements; UAV and MAV; Flight Systems; Aircraft Structure and Design; Spacecraft Structure and Design;
    Reliability issues of engines, power supply units and their systems
    Development prospects and use of engines for aviation, rocket and space systems, automotive engineering and stationary power supply units
    Re-engineering of aircraft engines
    Operation processes and engines theory
    Design and durability of engines and their systems
    Strength issues and non-linear mechanics of deformable medium
    Wear and tear, friction and reliability of engines and their units
    Acoustic, damping and vibration problems in engines
    Burning and heat exchange processes in power supply units
    Environmental issues for aviation, energy development and space booster
    Production and advanced technologies of propulsion engineering
    Computer-aided design, engineering and manufacturing in engines development
    Power units and supply systems control

Power Plants

    Modern Energy Systems and Power Electronics; Renewable Energy Systems and Distributed Generation; Renewable Energy Systems; Hybrid Power Systems; Intelligent Control for Renewable; Energy Systems;Maximum Power Point Tracking (MPPT);Power Electronics in Distributed Generation; Intelligent and Adaptive Systems in Smart Grid; Power System Management; Other related topics
Last updated by Dou Sun in 2018-05-20
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