AMLTA 2019: International Conference on Advanced Machine Learning Technologies and Applications
Cairo, Egypt
浏览: 8988   关注: 0   参加: 0

Topics of interest for each track include (but are not limited to):

Advanced Machine Learning Technologies in Natural Language Processing
Advanced Machine Learning Technologies for multimedia processing.
Advanced Machine Learning Technologies for Network Security.
Advanced Machine Learning Technologies for Bio-Science and Bio-technology
Advanced Machine Learning Technologies for Education Systems
Advanced Machine Learning Technologies for Wireless, Mobile Technologies.
Advanced Machine Learning Technologies for Ambient Intelligence
Advanced Machine Learning Technologies for Web Mining
Advanced Machine Learning Technologies for Cloud Computing
Advanced Machine Learning Technologies for Intelligent Environment
Advanced Machine Learning Technologies for Disabled and Non-Disabled People
Advanced Machine Learning Technologies for control and automation systems
Advanced Machine Learning Technologies for Robotic systems
Advanced Machine Learning Technologies for Biomedical applications
Advanced Machine learning in animal behavior studies
Advanced Machine learning on big data processing
Advanced Machine learning for sports
Advanced Machine learning for multimedia processing
Advanced Machine learning in Internet of things and cloud computing
Advanced Natural language processing
Advanced Machine learning for educational systems
Deep Learning Techniques for smart agriculture
Deep Learning Techniques for Self-driving cars
Deep Learning Techniques for medical image processing
Deep Learning Techniques for automatic Machine Translation
Deep Learning Techniques for Voice Search & Voice-Activated Assistants
Deep Learning Techniques for Healthcare Applications


All accepted papers will be published in the conference proceeding which will be published by Springer in the series of “Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing” and abstracted/indexed in DBLP, Google Scholar, EI-Compendex, Mathematical Reviews, SCImago, Scopus (Pending). 

Student Best Paper Award
As evaluated by TPC Chairs and Members, Two (2) papers will be given best paper awards for AMLTA-2019 in the general and student categories respectively. The best paper awards are technically sponsored by IEEE CIS Egypt chapter. The committee will expect the presentation of the selected best papers during the conference before finalizing the list. The winners will be declared during the conference.

Authors of selected papers may be invited to submit extended versions of their papers for publication as full journal papers. For example

1. International Journal of System Dynamics Applications (IJSDA), IGI-Global, USA 
2. International Journal of Service Science, Management, Engineering, and Technology (IJSSMET), IGI-Global, USA 
3. International Journal of Intelligent Engineering Informatics, Inderscience, UK
4. International Journal of Biomedical Engineering and Technology, Inderscience, UK
5. International Journal of Computational Systems Engineering, Inderscience, UK
6. International Journal of Signal and Imaging Systems Engineering, Inderscience, UK
7. The International Journal of Grid and Utility Computing  (IJGUC), 
8. Internet of Things:  Engineering Cyber Physical Human Systems (Elsevier)
最后更新 Dou Sun 在 2018-07-15
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