Información de la conferencia
ICMMPM 2024: International Conference on Metal Material Processes and Manufacturing
Día de Entrega:
Fecha de Notificación:
Fecha de Conferencia:
Dubai, UAE
Vistas: 11957   Seguidores: 2   Asistentes: 4

Solicitud de Artículos
We welcome papers covering all aspects of metal material processes and manufacturing with example topics including but not limited to the following:

T1: Metal Alloy Materials

Metal Forming Technology
Fashioning Metal Parts and Objects
Commercial Metal Forming
Metallic Elements and Their Intermetallic Compounds
Properties and Tests of Metallic Materials
Technology of Metals
Production of Metals
Metal Alloy Materials
Metal Processing

T2: New Materials and Properties

Electronic Materials
(New) Functional Materials
Membrane Separation Materials
New Materials and Performances
Optical Material
Polymetric Materials
Smart Materials
Biomedical Materials
Carbon based Materials
Composite Materials
High Performance Materials
New Energy Materials
Green Materials
Energy and Environmental Materials
Superhard Material
Micro/Nano/Bio Materials
Hybrid Optical Materials (Organic/Inorganic)
Advanced Textile Materials
Magnetic Materials

T3: Metallurgical Foundation and Technology

Forming Processes
Machining Processes
Sheet Metal Forming
Plastic Deformation
Combined Tensile and Compressive Forming
Rolling, Extrusion, Die Forming, Forging, Indenting
Thermal Spraying
Ferrous Metallurgy
Laser Processing
Welding & Joining
Coating Technology
Advanced Manufacturing Technology
Manufacturing System and Simulation
Cellular Manufacturing
Manufacturing Systems and Equipment
Metallurgical Fundamentals and Techniques
High Strength Alloys
Powder Metallurgy
Severe Plastic Deformation

T4: Manufacturing Engineering

Precision Manufacturing and Measurement
Flexible Manufacturing Technology and System
Green Manufacturing
Sustainable Production
Recycling and Remanufacturing
Rapid Prototyping
Welding & Joining
Reverse Engineering
Concurrent Engineering
Integrated Manufacturing System
Modeling, Analysis and Simulation of Manufacturing Processes
Measurement and Monitoring of Manufacturing Process
Industrial Engineering
Product Design and Development
Industrial Tribology
Modeling of Processes
Optimization of Systems 
Última Actualización Por Dou Sun en 2024-05-30
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