Infolog 2019: International Scientific Conference Information Science in An Age of Change
Warsaw, Poland
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The leading theme of this year’s conference are information infrastructure and services and their usage in the era of evolving changes, both technological and social ones. These changes are of often defined as digital revolution. Conference themes cover a wide range of theoretical and practical aspects concerning: modern tools and methods of information activities, information and knowledge organization, shaping of information architecture, the analysis and evaluation of new technologies applied in the social transfer of information and knowledge and their reception among users. We also want to discuss the context of evolution of Information Science as a subfield of Media and Communication. The discussions will focus on the following themes:

    digital revolution in science, culture, and education
    digital revolution in libraries, archives, and museums
    digital revolution in business and public administration
    management and application of Big Data in science, business, politics, and culture
    smart technologies in modern information services
    Internet of Things, Internet of Services
    smart cities, smart homes, smart devices
    mobile information services
    social media and online communities
    organization of access to research data
    visualization of information
    security of information
    open science, open publishing, open data
    knowledge organization towards the challenges of the evolving digital revolution
    information management towards the challenges of the evolving digital revolution
    information policy towards the challenges of the evolving digital revolution
    information ethics towards the challenges of the evolving digital revolution
    ecology of information towards the challenges of the evolving digital revolution
    users of modern information infrastructure and services
    media and information literacy towards the challenges of the evolving digital revolution
    Information Science as a subfield of Media and Communication
    evolution of the subjects of research in Information Science
    evolution of research methods in Information Science
    new concepts of information professionals’ education
    social and philosophical aspects of modern information technology and information services
最終更新 Dou Sun 2018-12-28
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CCF完全な名前インパクト ・ ファクター出版社ISSN
Quantum Information and ComputationRinton Press, Inc.1533-7146
Journal of Spatial Information ScienceNCGIA1948-660X
Big Data Research3.500Elsevier2214-5796
Information Technology for Development5.100Taylor & Francis0268-1102
Journal of Robotics1.400Hindawi1687-9600
Indonesian Journal of Science and TechnologyUniversitas Pendidikan Indonesia2528-1410
International Journal of Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning AR Publication0000-0000
完全な名前インパクト ・ ファクター出版社
Quantum Information and ComputationRinton Press, Inc.
Journal of Spatial Information ScienceNCGIA
Big Data Research3.500Elsevier
Information Technology for Development5.100Taylor & Francis
Journal of Robotics1.400Hindawi
Indonesian Journal of Science and TechnologyUniversitas Pendidikan Indonesia
International Journal of Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning AR Publication