Conference Information
ICPR 2024: International Conference on Pattern Recognition
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Kolkata, India
CCF: c   CORE: b   QUALIS: a1   Viewed: 162790   Tracked: 386   Attend: 74

Call For Papers
ICPR is the premier world conference in Pattern Recognition. It covers both theoretical issues and applications of the discipline. We solicit original research for publication in the main conference. Topics of interest include all aspects of Pattern Recognition, not limited to the following detailed list:

Track 1: Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning for Pattern Analysis

     Statistical, syntactic and structural pattern recognition
    Classification and clustering
    Artificial neural networks architectures and models
     Machine learning:  symbolic learning, deep learning, transfer learning, active and ensemble learning, semi-supervised learning and spectral methods, reinforcement learning and temporal models

Track 2: Biometrics, Human Analysis and Behavior Understanding

Biometric systems and forensics applications:

    hard biometrics: face, iris, gait, fingerprint, speech-based recognition
    soft biometrics: skin, hair, facial and body measurements, behavior, facial expression-based recognition
    Closed set, open set, open world identity recognition
    Gesture, action and event recognition and tracking
    Human Computer Interaction: human body motion and gesture-based interaction, speech and natural language-based interaction
    Affective computing
    Pattern Recognition for Surveillance and Security

Track 3: Computer Vision, Robotics and Intelligent Systems

    Early and low-level vision
    Physics-based vision and perceptual organization
    Stereo and multiple view geometry, 3D shape recovery
     2D/3D object detection and recognition
     Motion, tracking and video analysis
     Deformable object tracking and registration
     Object Recognition and Manipulation
     Image and video analysis and understanding
    Vision for autonomous driving
     Vision for robotics, robot navigation and SLAM

Track 4: Media Analysis and Understanding,

    Audio and acoustic processing and analysis
     Spoken language processing
    Character and Text Recognition
     Handwriting Recognition
     Document Understanding
     Content based image retrieval and data mining
     Multimedia analysis
     Visual question and answering
     Multimedia applications of pattern recognition
     Media analysis for augmented and virtual reality
     Multimodal Fusion

Track 5: Image and Signal Processing

    Sensor array & multichannel signal processing
    Enhancement, restoration and filtering
    Segmentation, features and descriptors
     Coding, compression and super-resolution
     Automatic speech and speaker recognition
     Medical image and signal analysis
     Biological image and signal analysis
     Volumetric image analysis
     Brain-computer interfaces

Guidelines for submitting contributions

Submissions should be made to the appropriate Conference tracks. All papers will be peer reviewed single-blind. The accepted papers will be published by IEEE and will be available in the IEEExplore. Paper length is 6 pages in IEEE format. Guidelines for submission and camera ready format are available on the website.
Last updated by Lu Jing in 2024-01-21
Acceptance Ratio
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