Conference Information
ICCT'' 2019: International Conference On Intelligent Communication and Computational Techniques
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Jaipur, India
Viewed: 7343   Tracked: 0   Attend: 0

Call For Papers
ICCT19 will serve as a platform for knowledge sharing about the recent trends and advancements in the field of networking and high end data handling and how these domains are playing role in research and market development of the industries. It will provide great opportunity for our students and faculties to interact and share ideas with the top-notch in the field face to face. This knowledge sharing may inspire and thrill many young minds and help us bring collaborations and global partners to work together. This will enable us to solve challenging problems in our society so that we may contribute to our world. The whole idea of the forum is to exchange thoughts and ideas, transform those in real time to solve the problems. Conference will also create awareness in students about the importance of scientific research in related fields and synchronizing with product market.

Track 1

Computer Network
Wireless Network
Ad-hoc Network
Internet of things
Network Security
Network Analytics
Optical Communication
Signal Processing
Nano Electronics and VLSI Technology
Remote Sensing and GIS

Track 2

Distributed Computing
Cloud Computing
Cluster and Grid Computing
Green Computing
Image And Video Processing
Big Data Computing
Machine Learning
Parallel Computing
Soft Computing
Quantum Computing
Mobile Computing
Algorithm Heuristics
Last updated by Dou Sun in 2019-04-01
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