Información de la conferencia
IEEA 2025: International Conference on Informatics, Environment, Energy and Applications
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Fecha de Conferencia:
Dubai, UAE
Vistas: 9383   Seguidores: 1   Asistentes: 0

Solicitud de Artículos
Delegates are encouraged to submit their papers/abstracts to the conference. IEEA will provide a premier interdisciplinary platform for researchers, practitioners and educators to present and discuss the most recent innovations, trends, and concerns as well as practical challenges encountered and solutions adopted in the fields of Informatics, Environment, Energy and Applications. The scope covers the below topics, but not limited.

Informatics and Applications

High performance computing
Human computer interaction
Communication and mobile computing
Distributed systems
Computational intelligence
Event driven programming
Computer architecture and embedded systems
Expert systems
Virtual reality
Computer graphics and multimedia multimedia applications
Computer modeling
Natural language processing
Computer networks and data communication
Computer simulation
Computer vision
Computer-aided design/manufacturing
Computing practices & applications
Data communications
Security & cryptography
Database and data mining
Database systems
Dependable, reliable and autonomic computing
Reconfigurable computing systems
Digital signal and image processing wireless
Distributed and parallel processing
Image processing
Information retrieval
Internet and web applications
Knowledge data engineering
Networking and communications
Neural networks
Parallel and distributed computing
Ubiquitous and pervasive computing
Mobile computing
Web-based information systems

Environmental Informatics

Simulation, optimization and environmental decision support
Environmental geomatics - GIS, RS and other spatial information technologies
Informatics for environmental chemistry and biochemistry
Modeling of chemical, biological and environmental processes
Modeling of biotechnological systems for enhanced pollution mitigation
Computer graphics and visualization for environmental decision support
Artificial intelligence and expert systems for environmental applications
Climate modeling, downscaling, impact assessment, and adaptation planning
Other areas of environmental systems science and information technology
Dissemination of knowledge on techniques, methods, approaches and experiences to improve the environment
Development and application of environmental software, information and decision support systems
The design and development of single medium and multimedia monitoring systems, sampling techniques, optimization of monitoring networks, data handling, quality and assurance procedures, operational costs.
The scientific basis for monitoring: scaling methods, the use of biological indicators, dynamic and commitment models, pollution indices, etc.
Exposure assessment: the development of monitoring systems which allow direct or indirect estimates of pollutant exposure to critical receptors.
Monitoring systems designed to detect changes in land use patterns.
Ecological System Modeling
Geographic Information Systems
Global climate change
Soil air and water quality models 	 

Energy Informatics

Smart Buildings by developing ICT-centred solutions for improving the energy-efficiency of buildings.
Smart Industries including the development of ICT-centred solutions for improving the energy efficiency and predictability of energy intensive industrial processes, without compromising process and product quality.
Smart energy networks by developing ICT-centred solutions for coordinating the supply and demand in environmentally sustainable energy networks.
Data analytics for energy-cost efficient system operation
Privacy issues in energy data management
Digital technologies for enabling energy-aware user behavior
Contextual computing for supporting human and energy system interactions
Energy-efficient cloud computing and data centers
Cyber security issues for safe and reliable smart grid operation
Social media’s role in the transition towards sustainable energy
Application of artificial intelligence and agent-based technology in smart energy systems
Model-based and data-driven energy forecasting, including energy production and use
Smart grid communication architectures and protocols for improving grid resiliency, including graceful degradation and self-healing
Monitoring and control of smart buildings, including smart grid interoperability
ICT for future energy systems, sector coupling and the integration of intermittent renewable generation
Information and decision support systems for future energy markets and mechanisms
Energy system modelling and (open) energy system data
Protocols and architectures for IT systems in the energy sector
Data analytics and machine learning for smart energy systems and decentralised decision making, as well as platforms for data analysis
Open data and software for energy research
ICT for (multi-) energy networks and micro-grids
Energy-efficient mobility, charging management for electric vehicles, energy-aware traffic control, and smart grid integration of mobile storage
Smart buildings, digital metering, occupant comfort, and user interaction
Adoption of ICT in the energy sector
Cross-cutting issues including cyber security and privacy protection, interoperability, verification of networked smart grid systems
Última Actualización Por Dou Sun en 2024-09-24
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