Conference Information
DTESI 2020: International Conference on Digital Technologies in Education, Science and Industry
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Almaty, Kazakhstan
Viewed: 7118   Tracked: 0   Attend: 0

Call For Papers
The International Conference on Digital Technologies in Education, Science and Industry 2020 and will take place in the International Information Technology University (IITU), Manas Street 34/1, Almaty, Kazakhstan, 17-19 June, 2020. The DTESI 2020 is co-sponsored by IITU, Kazakhstan and IARES Inc., Canada.

The conference has the focus on the frontier topics in the Digital Technologies for Education, Science, E-learning, Computational Evolutionary and Industry subjects. The DTESI 2020 conference serves as good platforms for our members and AI, Data Science, Computational Evolutionary, Data Engineering and IoT community to meet with each other and to exchange ideas.  Within the framework of the DTESI-2020 conference, it is planned to discuss various aspects in the field of the application of digital technologies in education, science, industry, economics and mass media. All submitted papers will be under peer review and accepted papers will be published in the conference proceeding. 
Conference Tracks

Industry 4.0 & Artificial Antelligence  

     IoT and IIoT (Industrial Internet of Things)
     M2M (Machine-to-Machine) communication
     Smart Factory
     CPS (Cyber-Physical System)
     Manufacturing Software
     ML (Machine Learning)
     Data Science
     Smart Sensor Technology
     Robotic Systems
     System Modelling and Control
    Industry 4.0 Case Study
    Vertical and Horizontal Integration
    Policies and management of smart industry
    Manufacturing with information technology
    Deep Learning
    Neural Network
    Web Engineering
    Information Technology

Telecommunication & Networks

     Connected Machines
     Wireless/ Mobile Communication
     Signal Processing
     Satellite Communication Systems
     4G/5G Network Evolutions
    5G/6G Network Evolutions
     Mobile Adhoc Networks
     Open Spectrum Solutions
     Communication Protocols
     Cognitive Radio


     e-Learning Tools
    Mobile Learning
     e-Learning Organisational Issues
     Collaborative Learning
     Curriculum Content Design
     Educational Systems Design
     Virtual Learning Environments
     Web-based Learning
     Delivery Systems and Environments
    Evaluation and Assessment
    Political and Social Aspects

Information systems & Cyber Systems

    Block chain
    Computer-Mediated Communication
    Computer-Aided Design
    Content Development
    Conceptual modeling
    credit recognition process
    Customer interaction on community platform
    Cyber law and Intellectual Property
    Cyber Policy and Best Practice
    Cyber Strategies and Provision
    Cyber Ethics
    Cyber Integration and Convergence
    Cyber Policy Issues
    Data Security Issues
    Privacy and Confidentiality
    Data Leakage and Breach
    Data Mining
    Energy Efficient Wireless Sensor Networks
    Entrepreneurship as digital transformation driver
    Human Computer Interaction and Usability
    Information Search and Retrieval
    Information Control Models
    Internet and Infirmity
    Interfaces to information systems
    Interactivity and virtuality
    Internet and Aging Population
    Intelligent Systems & Optimization
    Knowledge-Based Management
    Mobile Communication
    Mobile privacy management
    Malware Infringement and Protection
    Network Security
    Object-oriented database systems
    Office automation
    Persistence and data types
    Potentials and challenges of enterprise software management
    Privacy Protection Issues
    Protocol for graph-based editing
    process outsourcing
    Query processing in database systems
    Semantic Ontology
    Secure Cloud Computing
    Simulation and evaluation of deferred lock enforcement
    Smart service engineering and smart service
    Social and Organizational Characteristics
    Supply chain models
    Social and Cyber Bookmarking
    Social Software
    Virtual Communication

New Media & e-Society

    Citizenship, regulation and hierarchy
    Digitization, heterogeneity and convergence
    Development of Digital Services
    Freedom of Expression
    Innovation, identity and the global village syndrome
    Internet Cultures and new interpretations of “Space
    Polity and the Digitally Suppressed
    Philosophy of engineering and technology
    Digital media
    Political Reporting 

Digital Economy

     Digital transformation processes in the private and public sectors
     Digital Marketing
    Mobile Payment Systems 
     Balance of Trade and Big Data
     Utilizing Big Data in Sustainable Development 

Compuational Language and Technology

    Building up an ESP course for IT universities
    Professionally oriented language teaching
    Computer-assisted language learning and teaching
    Mobile-assisted language learning and teaching
    Teaching English for Computer Users
    Computer-aided corpus linguistics
    Machine translation
    Speech recognition
    Computational complexity
    Computational semantics
Last updated by Dou Sun in 2019-11-24
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