ERE 2020: International Conference on Energy, Resource and Environment
2020-11-10 Extended
Qingdao, China
閲覧: 7375   追跡: 0   出席: 1

ERE 2020 is the premier interdisciplinary forum for the presentation of new advances in the fields of Energy, Resource and Environment. The conference will bring together leading scientists, researchers and scholars from around the world. The themes of ERE 2020 include:


Renewable Energy Research and Applications 
Solar, Wind, Biomass, and Nuclear Energy
Hydrogen and Fuel Cell
Storage Technology
Energy-saving Technology
Energy Security and Clean Use
New-Energy and Electric Vehicles
Energy-Efficient Lighting Technologies
Green Building Materials and Energy-saving Buildings
Trends and Technologies for RESSs
Policies and Strategies for RESSs
Energy Transformation from Renewable Energy System (RES)  
Decision Support and Control for RESSs
Water resources and river basin management
Water, wastewater and sludge treatment
Solid and hazardous waste management
Air pollution
Storm water management
Advanced technologies for environmental management
Distribution systems  
Reuse and recycling
GIS and remote sensing applications
Climate change
Instrumentation and measurement
Groundwater contamination and protection
Ecosystem management and biodiversity conservation
Carbon capture and storage
最終更新 Max Chen 2020-03-16
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CCF完全な名前インパクト ・ ファクター出版社ISSN
cIEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics11.70IEEE1551-3203
cFrontiers of Information Technology & Electronic Engineering2.700Springer2095-9184
Ecological Informatics5.800Elsevier1574-9541
IEEE Transactions on Green Communications and Networking5.300IEEE2473-2400
IEEE Annals of the History of Computing0.500IEEE1058-6180
International Journal of Interactive Mobile TechnologiesKassel University Press GmbH1865-7923
Virtual and Physical Prototyping10.20Taylor & Francis1745-2759
International Journal of Engineering MathematicsHindawi2356-7007
cIEEE Transactions on Games2.300IEEE2475-1502
Journal of the Franklin Institute3.700Elsevier0016-0032