Journal Information
Journal of the Franklin Institute
Impact Factor:
Call For Papers
Engineering and Applied Mathematics

As the second oldest continuously published American journal devoted to science and technology, the Journal of The Franklin Institute has an established reputation for publishing high quality papers in the field of engineering and applied mathematics.

As a peer-reviewed journal, its goal is to promote inspiring advancements in the fields of engineering and applied mathematics by voices from the scientific and academic communities.

As of 2022, the Journal of The Franklin Institute has expanded its content focus to include research under the field of Data Science. The journal welcomes high quality original manuscript submissions that fall under three main topic areas:

• Control Systems
• Complex Networks & Dynamic Systems
• Data Science & Signal Processing

Aside from original manuscripts, the Journal of The Franklin Institute encourages authors to put forth evolving new special issue proposals for publication, provided they fall broadly within the scope of the journal. Special issues with a strong conceptual foundation in newly evolving topics are continuously planned for future issues. These special issues are reviewed based on their novelty and possible lasting value to the field of study.
Last updated by Dou Sun in 2024-07-14
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