Conference Information
CPESE 2023: International Conference on Power and Energy Systems Engineering
Submission Date:
2023-07-15 Extended
Notification Date:
Conference Date:
Nagoya, Japan
Viewed: 9680   Tracked: 1   Attend: 1

Call For Papers
The primary focus of the conference is on new and original research results in the areas of theoretical findings, design, implementation, and applications. Both theoretical paper and simulation (experimental) results are welcome. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to, the following:

1. Power Systems and Control

    Power system control and stability
    High voltage engineering
    Lightning protection
    Insulation technology
    Electrical machinery
    Power electronics
    Electric drives
    Power quality
    Active filters
    Industrial power systems
    Electromagnetic compatibility

2. Renewable Energy and Energy Storage

    Renewable power generation
    Solar energy
    Wind energy
    Water energy
    Energy conservation
    Energy conversion
    Fuel cell technology
    Plasma technology
    Energy storage systems
    Nuclear Energy

3. Microgrids and Smart Grids

    Smart grid
    Distributed generation
    Microgrids planning and operation
    Microgrid energy management
    Grid-connected converters
    Cybersecurity and cyber attack
    Virtual synchronous generator
    Virtual dynamics
    Robust power grids
    Resilient power grids
    Demand response
    Deregulation policies
    New perspectives of renewable energy

4. Energy Efficiency and Sustainable Solutions

    Green facilities and industries
    Green telecommunications
    Sustainable energy solutions
    Artificial intelligence and machine learning solutions
    Data-driven modeling and control
    Energy optimization techniques
    Power economics
    Power market deregulation
    Power system planning
    Pricing policies

5. Power Distribution and Quality

    HV power lines
    Network harmonics
    Power distribution
    Power flow analysis
    Power system design
    Power system operation
    Power system stability and control
    Reliability and security
    Power devices and driving circuits
Last updated by Dunn Carl in 2023-06-25
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