Journal Information
Analog Integrated Circuits and Signal Processing
Impact Factor:
Call For Papers
Aims and scope


Analog Integrated Circuits and Signal Processing is an archival peer reviewed journal publishing research and tutorial papers on the design and applications of analog, radio frequency (RF) and mixed signal integrated circuits (ICs), and signal processing circuits and systems. It is published monthly with worldwide distribution to engineers, researchers, educators, and libraries.
The journal promotes and expedites the dissemination of new research results and tutorial views. There is an exciting and large volume of research activity in the field worldwide. Engineers and researchers are striving to build complete systems on chip (SoC) by integrating analog and RF circuits in chip fabrication technologies optimized for digital ICs, and to bridge the gap between classical analog work and recent advances in fabrication technologies with improved analog, RF and mixed signal capabilities. As we move to deep nanometer technologies, analog and RF work is showing signs of dramatic changes with emphasis on interdisciplinary research efforts combining device, circuit, technology issues. Consequently, new design concepts, strategies and design tools as well as new applications in wireless and wire line communications, consumer electronics, automotive, control and biomedical systems are being unveiled.

Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

Analog and Mixed Signal Interface Circuits and Systems;
Analog and RFIC Design;
Data converters;
Active-RC, switched-capacitor and continuous-time integrated filters;
Mixed analog/digital VLSI systems;
RF Front ends, Frequency Synthesizers, integrated power amplifiers
Wireless radio transceivers;
Clock and data recovery circuits;
Simulation and modeling, mixed-mode simulation;
Analog nonlinear circuits and signal processing;
Analog Artificial Neural Networks;
Design solutions for machine learning;
Current mode signal processing circuits and systems;
High speed optoelectronics circuits and systems;
Power management and energy harvesting solutions;
Cyber physical systems;
Hardware security solutions;
Systems on chip for internet of Things; 
Analog VLSI cell libraries;
Analog and RF product development;
Low voltage/low power analog and RFIC design;
Microwave and Millimeter wave Circuits;
Artificial Intelligence, analog behavioral modeling, Analog HDL;
Computer-Aided Design (CAD) tools;
Analog Design Automation/Knowledge-based Systems;
Analog Design in emerging technologies (nanometer CMOS, SiGe BiCMOS, GaAs, heterojunction and floating gate technologies, etc.);
Analog Design for Test;
Integrated sensors and actuators
Last updated by Dou Sun in 2024-07-21
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