CCPCDL 2023: International conference on Cloud Computing, Performance Computing and Deep Learning
Hangzhou, China
閲覧: 7567   追跡: 8   出席: 2

Topics of interest for submission include, but are not limited to:

Cloud Computing

Cloud and grid computing for big data
Cloud Application Architectures
Cloud Application Scalability and Availability
Cloud Applications Performance and Monitoring
Cloud computing and semantic web technologies
Cloud Computing Architecture and Systems
Cloud Computing Models, Simulations, Designs, and Paradigms
Cloud Computing Technologies, Services and Applications
Cloud Economics
Cloud for Enterprise Business Transformation
Cloud Management and Operations
Cloud Middleware Frameworks
Cloud Optimization and Automation
Cloud Quality and Performance
Cloud Resource Virtualization and Composition
Cloud Solution Design Patterns
Distributed, and Peer-to-peer Search
Infrastructure and platform for smart computing
Models and tools for smart computing
Cloud Application Scalability and Availability
Cloud Applications Performance and Monitoring
Cloud computing and semantic web technologies
Cloud Computing Architecture and Systems
Cloud Computing Models, Simulations, Designs, and Paradigms
Cloud Computing Technologies, Services and Applications
Cloud Economics
Cloud for Enterprise Business Transformation
Cloud Management and Operations
Cloud Middleware Frameworks
Cloud Optimization and Automation
Cloud Quality and Performance
Cloud Resource Virtualization and Composition
Cloud Solution Design Patterns
Distributed, and Peer-to-peer Search
Infrastructure and platform for smart computing
Models and tools for smart computing

Performance Computing

Edge/Fog Computing
Crowdsourcing Systems
Cyber Physical Systems
Data Centers and Cloud Computing
Embedded Systems
Internet of Things
Network Design and Protocols
Multimedia Networking
Security and Privacy
Ubiquitous Computing
Software Defined Networking
Fundamental Theory and Algorithms
Information Centric Networking
Mobile Augmented/Virtual/Mixed Reality
Blockchain and Distributed Ledger
Internet Services and Network Management
Mobile Ad Hoc, Sensor and Mesh Networks
Network Information Assurance and Security
Social Network Analysis
Parallel and Distributed Systems
Performance Evaluation and Modeling
Smart Grid
Intelligent Mission Critical Operations
Smart Home Networks
Smart Health Systems, Wearable, and Implantable Systems
Smartphone and Mobile Applications
Wireless Communication and Networks
Workload Characterization
Networks on Chip
Deep Learning and Machine Learning for Networking and System

Deep Learning

Caption generation
Cognitive architectures
Commonsense reasoning
Episodic reasoning
Intelligent agents
Machine learning
Model-based reasoning
Narrative intelligence
Temporal reasoning
Visual reasoning
Ambient intelligence
Autonomic computing
Biomedical systems
Computer games
Image processing
Information retrieval and reuse
Intelligent tutoring systems
Language translation
Plan replay
Reasoning from experiences mined from text, multimedia, or human interactions
Recommender systems
Text reuse
User modeling
最終更新 Dou Sun 2022-11-08
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CCF完全な名前インパクト ・ ファクター出版社ISSN
Modelling and Simulation in Engineering0.800Hindawi1687-5591
Computers and Geotechnics5.300Elsevier0266-352X
cComputer Communications4.500Elsevier0140-3664
Computers & Mathematics with Applications2.900Elsevier0898-1221
Journal of Management Information Systems7.700Myron E. Sharpe0742-1222
Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation5.700American Chemical Society1549-9618
aACM Transactions on Information Systems5.400ACM1046-8188
cIEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management4.700IEEE1932-4537
Computer Applications in Engineering Education2.000Wiley-Blackwell1061-3773
ACM Journal on Responsible ComputingACM2832-0565