Información de la conferencia
ICBB' 2022: International Congress on Biotechnology & Bioinformatics
Día de Entrega:
Fecha de Notificación:
Fecha de Conferencia:
Hong Kong, China
Vistas: 5444   Seguidores: 0   Asistentes: 0

Solicitud de Artículos
The purpose of ICBB 2022 is to bring together researchers, mathematicians, engineers, and practitioners interested in various aspects related to Biotechnology & Bioinformatics.
The papers will be made to appear in a book to be published by ASDF HQ, India in EDLIB ( All the published papers will be indexed by Google Scholar and various other search engines.
Conference Topics

Bio-molecular & Phylogenetic Databases
Query Languages, Interoperability, Bio-Ontology and Data Mining
Genes and their Regulation
Sequence Search and Alignment
Protein Structure Prediction and Molecular Simulation
Molecular Evolution and Phylogeny
Functional Genomics, Proteomics
Drug Discovery
Gene Expression Analysis
Data Visualization
Systems Biology
Algorithms, Modelling and Simulation of Bio-Sets
Biomarkers of Toxicity
Signalling and Computation
Agricultural Biotechnology
Food Biotechnology
Environmental Biotechnology
Biomedical Computational drug discovery
Pharmaceutical Biotechnology
Industrial Biotechnology
Medical Biotechnology
Nano Biotechnology
Marine Biotechnology
Animal biotechnology
Plant biotechnology
RNA and DNA structure and sequencing
Gene regulation
Gene expression databases
Última Actualización Por Dou Sun en 2021-09-21
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